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Gunman kills 30 in rampage at Virginia university
16 April 2007 21:32
Any one nearby that area ?

Would like to share toughts

WASHINGTON: At least 30 people were killed and 29 were wounded Monday at Virginia Tech University in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history and one of the worst anywhere.

It was not immediately clear how many of the victims were students, and how many were other campus personnel or visitors. The police said the man they believed to have been the only gunman was killed. They could not say whether he was a student. The police said there were shootings in two buildings on campus about two hours apart.

"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
17 April 2007 02:37
if you've seen Bowling for Colombine you'd understand a lot about this incident, we're talking about more than 40 millions ( yes millions) of whackos out there( what would you call the 40 millions of people who claim they've seen, dealt with UFOs or E.Ts but wackos??), even brats go berserk when they get a gun... games and stuff like Halo have a negative effect on their small brains, a gun is made for killing that's what they've learned and sometimes they want to know if it's not a bogus information, so they go to the nearest school and start shooting every moving being even viruses, ...we're not sure if they're students but i won't be astonished if they are, yanks are a bunch of psychos and dweebs ! their president's a big stupid as**ole ! a rotten society's offspring...Gimme a break !
17 April 2007 02:39
I saw that on tv today. it s sad!
but the same thing happened in my city, at my old school! so i can totally relate. thank god i graduated a while ago!
some people are seriously deranged, i wonder what s the story behind this guy now!
17 April 2007 22:35

I've seen in on TV and everybody is talking about it!! It's really scary and terrible!
There has been a two hours break between the first and second shooting and the college didn't even botter to cancell classes or give an alert telling people to get out if there! I just don't understand why!
18 April 2007 01:11
the american way of ...Killing !
18 April 2007 15:34
Atleast that gives us one lesson, and that is that even the most powerful country in the world cannot be perfect or flawless...
18 April 2007 19:02
Last night on the BBC news they showed a muslim family! the parents lost their daughter in the shooting sad smiley.
18 April 2007 23:27
I have just read a comment on BBC that the perpetrator had been admitted to a mental disorder facility in 2005.Apparently he was a stalker and his relationship with women were not healthy, to say the least.
19 April 2007 03:19
thanks Allah an arab wasn't behind that carnage, we'd certainly enjoy the best part of Bush's adventures, he's Korean, he's not a muslim, he's insane, loco, you name it... if he were a muslim he'd be a terrorist, a bastard ..his country would be in the line of fire ..spare me the sour grapes !!!!
19 April 2007 07:27
Well an uneducated person just tells everybody (with no proof) that the gun man had a writing in arabic in his hand (tatoo) with message against American way of societal living.

This just make me out of my mind
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
20 April 2007 01:13
Well an uneducated person just tells everybody (with no proof) that the gun man had a writing in arabic in his hand (tatoo) with message against American way of societal living.

This just make me out of my mind
oh yeah, and how in hell this smartass figured out what was written in arabic on his arm? we sure are gonna attend another "24" (tv serial) season 15 if his remark was taken in consideration, next time when Bush goes to the johns and the lights go off, Bin Laden would take all the blame... so pathetic !
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