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hello everybody
17 February 2007 20:14
je voudrai avois des informations sur le mariage entre marocaine et un anglais,comment se passe il?et puot on se marier au maroc ou pas?et quelle est la meilleure facon de se marier,en angleterre ou au maroc?ou les deux?
donc mes chers freres et soeur si y en a un qui est passé par là ou a connu un cas pareil n'hesiter pas de repondre
merci d'avance o barak llah fikom
17 February 2007 20:22
je rajoute que je suis residente en France depuis 5 ans
18 February 2007 00:46
Hi Samidarka

Pour le mariage en UK il faut demande une autorisation si vous avez pas la nationalite Francaise ou CEE .
Apart ca c'est tres direct & facile a faire ,je pense a UK c'est plus facile que Bled
Regarde cette entree du site du ministre de l'interieur :

If you are a British citizen, a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or you have a certificate of entitlement giving you right of abode in the UK in your passport, you are not subject to immigration control. These rules do not apply to you.

Please see full details in:
18 February 2007 14:21
merci beaucoup atlasmagic (tm)

au fait je me suis renseigé au près du consulat de grande bretagne a paris,malheureusement ils m'ont dit qu'il faut quelque chose de là bas qui prouve qu'on va se marrier,ou reserver une salle pour la fete(a la mairie la bas ils nous disent qu'ils faut un visa de mariage pour avoir un rendez vous et ici ils nous demandent de justifier comme quoi on va se marier surement).(pour se qui est reserver une salle,on a pas besoin de bruit vu qu'on s'etait dejà mariés tout les deux au paravant et tout les deux divorcés:-(
est ce que tu n'aurais pas une idée sur ce qu'on pourrait leur presenter comme justificatif pour ces foux?angry smiley
je te remercie vivement d'avoir donné l'importance a ma question cher frere
19 February 2007 00:22

J'ai pas bien compris le probleme ?
Si vous avez pas une nationalite CEE la il faux un visa ect .............
Si vous avez la nationalite d'un pays CEE pas de visa ,mais pour se marier a la mairie votre marie doit se presenter & faire la demande il faut qu'il soit residant dans la localite
Le truc de la salle je le comprends pas
Pour les divorcee vous aves besoin de presente les divorces originaux plus les autres pieces passport & une preuve d'adresse : facture de telephone fixe,ou l'eau /Electricite ou Gas ....releve banquaire ..........

Voici l'information :
We have produced this information to help you with the organisation of your wedding day.

If you are planning a civil marriage, Sefton can offer you an excellent range of venues, which will make your wedding an occasion to remember. You can select from our two Register Offices or alternatively you may wish to choose one of the many Approved Premises, which are licensed by the Council under the Marriage Act 1994, to hold civil wedding ceremonies. Whichever venue you select, Sefton Registration Service aims to make all civil weddings an enjoyable and memorable occasion for everyone.

It is your wedding and we are here to help make it a day to remember. You may prefer a small and informal ceremony, a formal wedding with best man and bridesmaids, or simply wish to fulfil the legal requirement prior to a separate ceremony according to your own cultural and religious traditions. Our staff will be delighted to discuss your needs and will do everything possible to customise the ceremony to fit in with your requirements. Videos and photographs of the ceremony can always be accommodated.

How to...

The Legal Preliminaries to Marriage
A Religious Marriage
Civil Marriages in Approved Premises
The Day of your Wedding
Weddings at the Register Office
When you arrive
The Marriage Ceremony
Booking the registrar office
Frequently asked questions.

The Legal Preliminaries to Marriage
Giving notice means declaring that you are both free to marry each other and will require you to provide certain documents. You may do this up to one year before the date of your wedding. You will need to make an appointment, to give notice with the Register Office in the district in which you live. You are both required to give notice.

When you give notice, the Superintendent Registrar will ask questions about you and your partner. He or she will ask each of you for your full name and address, your age, whether you have been married before, your occupation and your nationality.
It is necessary for you and your partner to give us proof of identity. Passports should be used, but we may also accept two other documents such as birth certificates and driving licenses. Please also bring proof of your addresses e.g. a utility bill.
If either of you has been married before, you will need documents to show your last marriage has legally ended. All documents must be originals and not photocopies.
Any person whose divorce was granted in England or Wales, must produce their Decree Absolute bearing the original seal of the court.

If the divorce took place in another country, you should bring the original document confirming your divorce. If you were not given such a document, we will tell you what you other proof we need.
If either of you is widowed, you will need to produce your late spouse's death certificate and your marriage certificate.
Foreign documents should be accompanied by a certified English translation.
If you are under eighteen, you will need to bring proof of your parents' or guardians' consent. You can do this by asking them to fill in a form, which we will supply.

To give a marriage notice you and your partner must have lived in England or Wales for seven clear days immediately before you give notice.

It does not matter if either of you then moves to a different address.

After giving notice you must allow at least fifteen clear days before you can marry. Your marriage must then take place within twelve months of the date you gave notice.

The Superintendent will tell you when your authority to marry is due to be issued.

If you are marrying in another district, you will need to take the certificate to that district before the day of the wedding.
19 February 2007 12:42
In Danmerk. it is easy and fast.
19 February 2007 13:00
le problème c'est que je ne suis residente en france mais j'ai pas de nationalité.

quand on a appelé au consulat de grande bretagne a paris,ils nous ont dit que pour avoir le visa de mariage il faut prouver qu'a mon arrivée la bas on va vraiment se marier.(par exemple,la date du mariage ou reserver une salle pour la fete ou...)

et la bas en grande bretagne,ils ne peuvent pas nous donner le rendez vous (le papier avec la date...etc)ils nous demandent un visa de mariage avant.

sachant que mon futur mari est bien anglais (de nationalité anglaise)
merci beaucoup a tous le monde
19 February 2007 15:49
Ok Samiradarka

Dans ce cas ,le marriage au bled est la solution,meme si votre futur marie a la nationalite ect ................ c'est a vous qu'il vous le visa & c'est pas donne
Faite au bled & la vous demandez un visa pour joindre votre marie ,le mari doit donner des pruves qu'il peut vous loge ,supporte finacierement dans recours aux aides de l'etat !!
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