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HELP: who lives in L.A?
29 March 2007 07:30
selem les yabis!

y aurait il des yabis à Los Angeles pour m'héberger une semaine dès dimanche? URGENT!!!!
je suis en galère, je suis chez des français expatriés mais je dois partir dimanche pour ne pas abuser de leur gentillesse...
Merci de m'aider et de me donner vos tuyaux!!!
31 March 2007 21:59
i need a room to rent in Los Angeles for sunday!!
1 April 2007 15:11
I think you stand a much better chance to find something if you simply buy the newspaper and look up the short term rental opportunities, often charged weekly and make a few phone calls.

As it is there are not so many Moroccans living in the US on Yabiladi, and to find someone specifically in L.A. and with an available room is no easy task.

You can also try, specificcaly for the Moroccan diaspora in the US.

Best wishes
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