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help with settlment visa please
8 December 2007 12:55
hello all salam 3alaykom .finally i found a good web site full of moroccans who live in uk i hope you might help me and help any one with some advices .
i am from agadir graduated from the university well just two years ago now i work in a cyber caf i met a girl a nice and sweet one in a chat room and as they say here you never know what will happe in the futur we are married now just 4 months a go she came here many tims to see me she is ony 22 and we are married now .we will apply for a settlment visa soon would you please help me with some advices cause it seems that even if you are married its so damn hard to get a visa to uk .hope you will help me thanks to alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

mouloud from agadir (tm)smoking smiley
8 December 2007 15:10
yes , you are right , because of terrorisme all immigration laws has changed, it is their right to protect their own people , and things changed too because after bulgaria , poland , lithuania has joined le eu a lot of them immigrated to uk so they are trying to reduce the number of immigrant comming to their little island, so any country non EU it became almost impossible to immigrate to uk
just in the last few months they introduced new laws reagarding mariages , work for people from non EU countries
mariage from a non eu country doesn t mean a settlement visa is guaranteed , they made it very complicated and a long process too
i heard they will follow a system like the american system, the points , skilled or unskilled , investigation about the intention of the groom or spouse , an exam so many interviews , does your wife has her own house , her salary ,your financial situation .......... the list is long perplexe
my advice to you check the uk embassy in casablanca or give them a call and ask to send you by post some information
8 December 2007 18:33
first thanks for your advice but i have alreday donne that and i know what i have to do and all the document that i need .i am looking for some one who has an experience some one who applied for it before or some one who knows about it to give me more advices thanks a lot again (tm)smoking smiley
8 December 2007 20:00
All the info is on the home office website as mentioned before they just changed the rules again ,so its easier to get the infos from the source

Also as Power said before ! she need to prouve she could support you !
I know of cases where a man was British & the wife Moroccan & its was a case of being able to supoort her ...ect

So find infos ,book an interview its could take 6 months + !! & ask her to get the evidance pay slips , Bills ,bank statments ....

Good luck
8 December 2007 20:29
thanks again but still i am looking for some one who has alreday applied i know eveything about what i should get and what she has i have been to the consulate web site i have read eveything and even the new laws it says we have the right to be togethere where ever we want wether morocco or uk .i just need some advices from some one who has already applied some one who has a real experience thanks for all of you again (tm)smoking smiley
9 December 2007 18:34
ops it seems that no one has good advices here no one has an experience come on ??????????????????????????????????????????, where are you people????????????????????,, some ideas wont hurt eye popping smileyeye popping smileyperplexe
24 December 2007 13:22
hello !!!
how are ya ?
can u throw me ur msn to speak with u cuz i have the same things like you winking smiley
see ya soon
this is my msn : [email protected]
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