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RAM high prices and bad service from USA
16 September 2010 21:13
Washington / Morocco Board News Service - The one thing Moroccans residing in the United States unanimously love to hate is “la RAM”, Royal Air Maroc, Morocco’s flagship carrier. So many articles, complains and praise were written about the controversial airline, but nothing seems to change.
The level of disgust with RAM reached an unprecedented level when a group of Moroccans living in the USA decided to send a letter to the Moroccan King complaining about high prices, poor service and unprofessional staff within the Moroccan airliner. Nowadays, whenever there is a meeting of the Moroccan community with Moroccan consular officials or Moroccan government representatives, the thorny issue of RAM indifference to the concerns of thousands of Moroccan living in the States is addressed and re-addressed. Yet, the constant result of attempts to tackle these apprehensions remains NO CHANGE and NOBODY CARES; in fact, that should be the motto of the Royal Air Maroc.


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