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2007/2008 Human Development Index rankings
28 November 2007 15:14
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, and standards of living for countries worldwide.

First score is the HDI ranking in 2007

1 Iceland
2 Norway
3 Australia
4 Canada (2006,NR 6)
5 Ireland
6 Sweden
7 Switzerland
8 Japan
9 Netherlands
10 France
11 Finland
12 United States (2006,nr 8)
13 Spain
14 Denmark
15 Austria
16 United Kingdom
17 Belgium
18 Luxembourg
19 New Zealand
20 Italy
21 Hong Kong SAR, China
22 Germany

(Greater Middle East & North Africa)

Israel (23)
Cyprus (28)
Kuwait (33)
Qatar (35)
United Arab Emirates (39)
Bahrain (41)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (56)
Oman (58)
Saudi Arabia (61)
Turkey (84)
Jordan (86)
Lebanon (88)
Tunisia (91)
Iran, Islamic Rep. of (94)
Algeria (104)
Occupied Palestinian Territories (106)
Syrian Arab Republic (108)
Egypt (112)
Morocco (126)(2006,NR123)
Pakistan (136)
Mauritania (137)
Sudan (147)
Djibouti (149)
Yemen (153)

whole index
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