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human right for immigrant
14 September 2007 14:26
hellooooo, great site
i live in liverpool and i am new here , i always say that uk is number one when it comes to protection of human rights ????????
i was discussing this yesterday with my cousin who lives in France and came over to visit me :
he said : immigration law in France is much better than uk for exemple :
a person (clandestin sans papiers )in France if he stays more than 10 years he gets nationality and they dont deport them but in UK is more than 14 years(without papers) and it is questionable is this true ????even if ther are children involved or a person (no papers married to a uk national )he read this in an article in french news paper???????, ??????
i was choked to hear this where is the so called the human right? how can they deport someone been married for over 10 years back to his original country ???????
is this true ? and if so what do you think about such law????

ramadan mobarak said
14 September 2007 17:02
salam ramadan mobarak
all about what u said i didnt hear about it before
my friend also he is in uk with no papers not more than 14 years and not got the nationality and the british passport
14 September 2007 18:14
salam ashraf , thanks for your reply , i know a person with this problem this is why this subject come up we were talking about her , so my cousin told me in france it is 10 years and in uk may be 14 years ?????i looked on the net about this but no information available all i could find is the legal staff for people with papers , this person i met by coincidence in a supemarket and we became good friends, her case: she stayed i think approx 9 years , she got married but no kids she is very worried to loose her hubby, whenever i met her she cries , she is losing a lot weight , depressed , and isolated !! and doesn t know what to do !!!!! i want to find out about this 14 years thing may be that will give her some hope and peace but unfortunately ther is no info about this , i told her to get in touch with a lawyer but she is too scared !!!!
i really feel sorry for her and for all these people who due to some circumstances they end up with this horrible problem.
14 September 2007 18:34
thank you fleur , i phoned him yesteday he told me he went to lacal council and they told him the paperwork he needs to apply for nationality and he said he will aplly next month
concerning work: he told me he is going to leave and look for a job somewhere else he can t take that sort of racism anymore specially from his manager who s making his life hell , criticising him all the time and if he dares complain they treat him as the bad guy they sound to me a band of losers who are trying to feel good by mistreating others specially if it happens the other person is a foreigner
thanks again everybody .
14 September 2007 18:41
sorry waradmaroc , this is a reply to fleur in the topic: immigrant in holland , i am feeling a little dizzy (it is ramadan i think perplexei mean t to answer the other topic somehow it ended up here sorry again
14 September 2007 21:32

Your friend has nothing to fear by asking lawyer or even a citizen advice bureau ,they are in every borough & they give legal advise for free .

The human rights articles can be used in many cases & they do help in immigration cases
What we all fail to do is know our rights & we also do not have association to help & support us but that is the story of our failure .

The rights is taken & we do not wait for others to give them to us
In France or in the UK its almost the same but i do not believe that the French immigration laws are better than in the UK !
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