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29 May 2009 22:13
if morocco introduces a welfare system do you think guys that moroccan will work or prefer to live on benefits?
i have noticed that a lot of immigrants even if there are plenty jobs they prefer using the welfare system , having a salary from an european country without working or sweating for it
there is no excuse jobs are available where i live yet most moroccan i know refuse to work as soon as they get the nationality they abuse the welfare system which give them a bad picture

are we lazy people?
30 May 2009 10:07
hi there
thankx for bringing this subject
yes i m with you mate
there are a lot of moroccans who dont work
(le3guez wmaydir)
pepole who havent got work in morocco complain about it but once they got the opportunity they change their mindsHeu
i dont know what s the problemHeu
i m moroccan british and i used to work fisrt when i came to the uk
i dont work now because i ve got a kid to look after
and i dont like abusing the system at allNo no
once i got the chance to go back to work i would dothumbs up
30 May 2009 16:46
ptdrif morocco introduces state benefit, i think all moroccan the ones with a job will resign and claim state money,
i have seen few exemples of those people you are talking about , system abusers
if someone is disable or have some raison health or family that s fine but there are men in their 30 their shoulders the size of elephants and they abuse the state benefit , they use the money that the country give them to buy drugs and alcohol thumbs down

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2009 04:47 by whatsup.
30 May 2009 18:33
i m with you mate that s rightthumbs up
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