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immigrant in Holland????
6 September 2007 12:54
im asking these question in the hope someon from Holland could find some answers for me :
i have a friend who immigrated to holland 3 years now and each time i phone him he tells me about the complicated system of work and immigration in Holland :
he is married to a duch lady he is happy with her but not happy with the country he is living in !!!!
1- question : to get nationality how long does that take and what is the precedure for that????
2- to get an office work is not simple like in the rest of europe , they ask some sort of qualifications ??!!!even he had experience before but any job agency they tell him that s not enough
anyway after a long struggle courses etc he managed to get an office job and signed some sort of contract with the company the strange think is : ther is a lot of racisme , and it seems like ther is no human rights either ,just yesterday he told me : he was sitting in his lunch break talking to a colleague and someone passed next him and told the other person : don t talk to that dirty moroccan , i was chocked to hear that if that happened in england or in ireland it will be a big case in newspapers , compensation ....etc but there these sort of comments pass unnoticed in front of the mamangers of the company even if he complains , they can sack anybody whenever they feel like it , his job title is customer service in an office but from time to time his manager ask him to go and work in a warehouse doing physical labour his contract does not mention anything like that
anyway i feel sorry for him and in the same time i feel shocked that a european country has this sort of systems , anyone with some info that i can pass on to him on the nationality thing thanks in advance.
(his plan is to get nationaliy and move from Holland with his wife ) thank you
6 September 2007 17:11
Holland used to be the most tolerant country in Europe and Dutch people the nicest but we have ruined it, and it's mostly the fault of immigrants (mostly moroccans).

Have you ever heard of the murder of Theo Van gogh and the trial of his murderer?

Now after the riots in France, the bonbs in London and Madrid and other bombings still to come, we can expect all European countries to become the same, Sad, but that's our fault.
6 September 2007 18:24
Holland used to be the most tolerant country in Europe and Dutch people the nicest but we have ruined it, and it's mostly the fault of immigrants (mostly moroccans).

Have you ever heard of the murder of Theo Van gogh and the trial of his murderer?

Now after the riots in France, the bonbs in London and Madrid and other bombings still to come, we can expect all European countries to become the same, Sad, but that's our fault.

Sorry, have 2 say something. I live in holland en i am a moroccan. BUT: the intolerance started mostly after 9/11, and when Pim Fortuyn came.Ho chose a good moment to criticise the Islam and the immigrnts. Yes, of course, there's also a big blame to the immigrants(NOT ONLY MOROCCANS) here, but I think that the Dutch always were to soft to the immigrants.

Pim was killed by a Dutch man, no one said anything about that, but a Moroccan man kills Theo and then all moroccans did it. That's verry typical to think that.
The bombing was in England, but the racism there is (i think) less then here.
6 September 2007 18:32
It is nowadays very hard to get e Dutch nationality. It can take years. But I think it's easier when you're married to someone with the Dutch nationality.

P.S. A lot of Dutch people say a lot of thing in the name of freedom, but forget that there are boundries. If someone still is discriminating at work, I think you can pass that to your supervisor. But his wife is Dutch, doesnt she know something about this?

About the physical work: If it doesnt say so in the contract, he can say that. If that doesnt help, I think you hav to get in contact with someone who's controlling that.
6 September 2007 23:05

I think he should be allowed to move to an other EEC country & apply for a passport after 3 years i believe in the UK.
7 September 2007 00:03
thank you for your replies
even the bosses are racist he told me that he complained once and he was threatened he will loose his job and everybody started to give him a bad attitude
he is planning to move from Holland to an other EC country but he is been adviced that it s easier after having nationality less paperwork
moroccans there have bad reputations as you mentioned above everything has changed since this craziness in the world and a lot of innocent people pay the price
thanks again
7 September 2007 14:55
thank you for your replies
even the bosses are racist he told me that he complained once and he was threatened he will loose his job and everybody started to give him a bad attitude
he is planning to move from Holland to an other EC country but he is been adviced that it s easier after having nationality less paperwork
moroccans there have bad reputations as you mentioned above everything has changed since this craziness in the world and a lot of innocent people pay the price
thanks again
I really think he or his wife should go to a lawyer. I think its terrible whats happening to him. I also think the the reason that he's been treated this way, is that they know that he doesnt know what to do. Let his wife arrange a lawyer and let this be registrated at the police.

you're right about this.
14 September 2007 12:11
im asking these question in the hope someon from Holland could find some answers for me :
i have a friend who immigrated to holland 3 years now and each time i phone him he tells me about the complicated system of work and immigration in Holland :
he is married to a duch lady he is happy with her but not happy with the country he is living in !!!!
1- question : to get nationality how long does that take and what is the precedure for that????
2- to get an office work is not simple like in the rest of europe , they ask some sort of qualifications ??!!!even he had experience before but any job agency they tell him that s not enough
anyway after a long struggle courses etc he managed to get an office job and signed some sort of contract with the company the strange think is : ther is a lot of racisme , and it seems like ther is no human rights either ,just yesterday he told me : he was sitting in his lunch break talking to a colleague and someone passed next him and told the other person : don t talk to that dirty moroccan , i was chocked to hear that if that happened in england or in ireland it will be a big case in newspapers , compensation ....etc but there these sort of comments pass unnoticed in front of the mamangers of the company even if he complains , they can sack anybody whenever they feel like it , his job title is customer service in an office but from time to time his manager ask him to go and work in a warehouse doing physical labour his contract does not mention anything like that
anyway i feel sorry for him and in the same time i feel shocked that a european country has this sort of systems , anyone with some info that i can pass on to him on the nationality thing thanks in advance.
(his plan is to get nationaliy and move from Holland with his wife ) thank you

I'm a Dutch woman married a Maroccan man and we applied for naturalisation after 3 years of Marriage (now I'm married almost 9 yearsgrinning smiley ) We waited than for about 7 months and he could make his Dutch pasport. It was me actually puched my husband to do it and I din't want to wait too long. For we wanted children but also when we want to travel it makes everything easier.

For his problems with his job I would say that is very difficult to say anything reasonable in this.
What I know is that all bosses and staff personal nowadays are very carefull in what they speak to
their empoyees because we have strict laws for unacceptable behaviour at work, and also discrimintation
is included and if a boss wants to get rid of his employe he is mostly careful not to fall in this faults
but carefully builds a dossier for that employee, mostly to proof in a procedure that he is not capable of doing his job. So he collects mostly all failures of his employe to do soo.

Greetzz Fleur

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2007 12:12 by Fleur66.
Les souvenirs sont de hier, les surprises de demain, mais aujourd hui, c'est un cadeau, le présent!
14 September 2007 16:25

Thank you very much for the update ,that some hope there & congratulation on your 9 years marriage.
14 September 2007 18:46
Thank you Atlasmagic, it passed bye like it was yesterday we first met winking smiley
Les souvenirs sont de hier, les surprises de demain, mais aujourd hui, c'est un cadeau, le présent!
14 September 2007 20:00
thank you fleur ,thumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs up thumbs upthumbs up
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