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Infant mortality ! Shocking !!
16 November 2007 18:26
From Wikipedia

Infant mortality is defined as the number of infants who are born alive, but die before one year of age. The most common cause of infant mortality worldwide has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. Because of the success of spreading information about Oral Rehydration Solution (a mixture of salts, sugar, and water) to mothers around the world, the rate of children dying from dehydration has been decreasing and has become the second most common cause in the late 1990s. Currently the most common cause is pneumonia. Major causes of infant mortality in more developed countries include congenital malformation, infection and SIDS.
The infant mortality rate is reported as number of live newborns dying under a year of age per 1,000 live births

Morocco = 38.85
Algeria = 28.78
Tunisia = 23.84
Uk = 5.08
Portugal= 4.98
spain = 4.37

Surely we could do some thing to put this index down !!
17 November 2007 20:01
change the governmentCensored
18 November 2007 23:56
Well , i was more expectiong other to react & suggest PRACTICAL solutions to this big killer & i feel with little actions we could make a diffrence ........or i'am i just dreaming again ...?
19 November 2007 05:01
no you're right Atlasmagic...with little actions we can make a change... we need ppl motivated and consciencious to spead the information, since its real responsibles don't handle it properly! shocking...
19 November 2007 23:04
'with little actions we can make a change' do you have any suggestions sunsetmoon?
20 November 2007 00:59
Any way we could spread the information we will be half way
The most common cause of infant mortality worldwide has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. Because of the success of spreading information about Oral Rehydration Solution (a mixture of salts, sugar, and water....

I feel if we raise awaerness we will no doubt have a + impact
20 November 2007 12:51
AT LEAST talking to our family members, neighbours, friends and whom ever that we think they need advice...
20 November 2007 12:57

Yes , schools , mosques .............talking to them we need its a shame on us all to let our kids dying due to a luck of water ,salt & sugar !!!
30 November 2007 01:48
Girls & guys

I have decidhing to take action & do something about this issue ,i decided to start an ssociation to spread the infos & if we could save one infant its will be worth it ...

It will be nice to have other to join in ,we all busy we all have enough in our plates ......
They are our kids dying & we can do something about it ,we should do it i feel ...
I'am going for it any way so if you willing come on board if not we will need your support in spreading the infos please ............
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