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the internet
19 May 2009 10:40
everybody uses the netSOS
but we never talk about it
how do you use it
do you find it useful?smiling smiley
19 May 2009 11:57
everybody uses the netSOS
but we never talk about it
how do you use it
do you find it useful?smiling smiley
Salma, the internet = freedom
useful, ofcourse very useful but say that to the state that wants to take that right away from you and keep you in the dark ages..
internet = freedom to do whatever you like and read whatever you like from religious sites to porno sites...who cares if that's what you like, it's you're life ?
if that's what a person likes, that's freedom..
freedom to think for yourself as a human being and not to think as a subject to any one.
The only problem is that the state tries to block and deprive its citizens from that freedom.
The state is trying to dictate what we should and should not read, the state is trying to destroy our brain cells..
That's not freedom in democracy, that's dictatorship
The people are hungry for more freedom of expression, more freedom to see what's going on in the world they're living in..but for sure they are not hungry for more censorchip.
Even donkeys make noises in the streets sometimes, what's next?
Are we gonna go running around looking for donkies to put tape on their mouths so they can't annoy people?
we are going in that direction.
19 May 2009 13:56
thanks for the topic
the internet can be instructif and destructif tool in the same time
instructif: if used in a postive way , it s an ocean of information in all fields,
destructif: it s used by paedophiles to prey on minors, used by terrorists , used by crooks to commit crimes such as fraud and hacking to bank accounts
a sword with two sides need to be in right hands otherwise it could cause damage
19 May 2009 14:40
thanx for your reply
and i m with in what you just saidsmiling smiley
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