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Interview with rap artist turned Muslim - 2 Jul 09
9 July 2009 19:20
A growing number of rap artists are leaving the bad boy hip hop lifestyle for a more spiritual one.

The Canadian Dawah Association says that an increasing number of rappers this year have embraced Islam or acknowledged they had in the past.

Amir Junaid Muhadith, better known by his stage name, Loon, talks to Al Jazeera's Sami Zeidan about his spiritual journey.

10 July 2009 11:15

al jazeera !!!!!!!!!!!!!!they make from a fart a nuclear bomb ptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2009 11:20 by whatsup.
10 July 2009 14:04
well good for himthumbs up
10 July 2009 23:14
Sob7anae allah what a transition !
11 July 2009 19:50
14 July 2009 12:53
An other old my still moving story Yusuf Estes the Priest who Entered ISLAM with his wife ,father ,freiends ,Daughter & 1000's of others ! a very moving story makes me cry,laugh & think about it all everytime i hear it !

14 July 2009 14:39
14 July 2009 20:37
Is it hypocrisy or is it just me?
Why is it when someone converts to Islam, the whole world starts dancing and singing like they saw Al Mahdi Al Mountadar, but when a muslim leaves Islam and converts to another religion, they all take swords and knives and start screaming kill the dog?
If you understand logic and rational thinking, it's pure hypocrisy.
15 July 2009 10:12
exactly freethinka , a lot have been killed in egypt for instance the latest was an egyptian writer named Tarik Fouda , the beardies attacked him at his house and stabbed him in front of his wife and children .

ptdrin the forum of religion in this website there is a topic : whoever changed his religion need to be killed eye popping smileya quick read there reflects the mentality of hypocrisy and the lack of a civil mind
the choking thing are views from immigrants living in Europe, despite living in a civilised society it s hard for them to learn a basic fondamental human right , freedom in choosing religion evil
15 July 2009 10:27
yes that s rightthumbs up
16 July 2009 19:47
I believe in freedom of faith but the point here was more about extrems ,from a rap artist to Islam & a Priest to a Cheikh ! each to there own i say " wa allaho yadhi mane yachaa"
17 July 2009 08:45
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