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Iran's proud but discreet Jews
18 October 2006 12:26
With so many misinformations in the western media about Iran, nobody believes that the largest Jewish community in the middle East, outside Israel, lives in Iran in peace and harmony inside a largely muslim populatio and they are determined to stay in Iran even if they are lured to move to Israel.

I was suprised when I saw this report on BBCWorld about Iran´s Jweish community, because for most of us Iranian and Jewish are antipodes in the politically correct westen media :


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2006 12:27 by alximo.
18 October 2006 15:07

I add to this that many Iranians get married with Jews (I personally know a couple of Jew women and Iranian guy haply married and got children ) .....this is a kind of tolerance we'll never dream of it....who thinks it could happen in Iran?......
24 October 2006 20:30
somme iranians jewish was migrated to israel in order to join one people, one confessin but the reality was more hard beacuse those iranians was considered like an second class isrealian citizen, so deceived, a lot of them was return to iran where iranian jewish and muslim are equal
24 October 2006 21:09

The israeli president have iranian origins. But he continu to treath iran by potentialy strike.
[hr] [b][center]Si perçante soit la vue, on ne se voit jamais de dos[/center][/b][b]Boycottez pour la paix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [color=#FF0000]Boycottez!!!!!!!!![/color][color=#FFFFFF]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color] [color=#009900]Boycottez pour les enfants de Gaza!!!!!![/color][/b]
25 October 2006 13:58
It is simple, there has been a plan to change the middle-east according to israel purposes, and Bush's mission is to accomplish what they want. I've noticed something interresting lately, it seems there is a christian-jewish let's say joint-venture. In all churches israel is mentioned, not the israel 21st century, but the old one. Christian see themselves very close to the jewish state, is this a way to redeem themselves because of the holocaust? should islam pay the price for what Hitler did? moslems too were in his list... after wiping out the jews he would have started with moslems. Instead, how about us third world countries, we've been sucked from our wealth by the europeans, they killed millions of us, they used chemical weapons on our grandparents, isn't this a good reason to wake up? this reminds me of a song from Nass Al Ghiwane when in the 70s "Saifna oulla shetwa".
25 October 2006 16:47
Hello all,


I’d rather say the Christians see themselves closer to the Jews economically and in terms of common interests in the middle east and in the world….I don’t think it’s about the religion between the two of them….
25 October 2006 17:15
I agree it is economically, but I see a bond, I hadn't seen before, some churches are exploiting the fact too.
25 October 2006 18:00
It is simple, there has been a plan to change the middle-east according to israel purposes, and Bush's mission is to accomplish what they want. I've noticed something interresting lately, it seems there is a christian-jewish let's say joint-venture. In all churches israel is mentioned, not the israel 21st century, but the old one. Christian see themselves very close to the jewish state, is this a way to redeem themselves because of the holocaust? should islam pay the price for what Hitler did? moslems too were in his list... .

It is a good point. and I thik it is just a "joint-venture" of interest whithout historical basis. We are even inventing in the context of the so-called "clash of civilization" the terminology: “Judeo-Christian civilization” or “Judeo-Christian values”!

One is wondering when the Jews and Christians lived together in peace to build a common civilization? The Jews were persecuted by Christians throughout the history until the 2nd WW, and they use to coexist peacefully only with Muslims. When they were threatened or expelled by the Church like what happenned in Andalusia, they found a safe refuge among Muslims in North Africa and Turkey. The Jewish legacy in Andalusia (especially Seville) is the good example of the forgotten cohabitation between Muslims and Jews during the golden age of the Muslim civilization.
25 October 2006 19:25
That is the point Alximo, by then they had no state, no country, now they do.
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