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it's crazy!!
23 December 2006 11:04
..9ala ta3ala *innaka la TAHDI men a7babt lakinna ALLAHA yahdi men yacha2*
26 December 2006 01:33
Hi all

salam alaykum all


Believe me I don t compare my belief with anyone. You are the one who keeps asking whoever applying religion in their life to leave (indirectly) the forum (or even to leave their country) because you thought they are preaching.
I am not looking to convert you to any religion or philosophy for simple reason I can sum it up in the following verse
“la tuhdi man ahbabt wa lakina Allahou yahdi mane yashaa.


what I believe…my religion or my philosophy are none of anybody’s business and vice versa ….it’s not my business what anybody else believes on….plz tray to understand in a discussion it is not about me or about you or about anyone else ….it’s all about issues we’re dealing with in our life… matter our color, background or believe…. the target is to know how everyone sees things..... so stop getting involved personally and feeling attacked each time I answer one of your messages…..more over I think we all agree that the religion has got definite and untouched rules concerning the behavior and the lifestyle…some people (like you) follow it in their daily life others don’t… you should have respect for that instead to judge them…. once you start with the religion you can’t discuss anymore….you will only repeat what the religion says and for repeating no forum is needed ….interested people could read religious books ….I believe the purpose of this forum is to exchange ideas and opinions from different people who may come from various backgrounds….exchanging means to me telling your opinion freely without judging others….what you think as a person depending on your personality and experiences not what you have been preached over the years….and one more thing I’m not well placed to tell who should stay or leave this forum …as for converting me please don’t bother !!!......
3 January 2007 23:56
salam alaykum all


what you beleive in it is not none of my business, since WE all beleive on freedom of thinking and speech we can not ask people not to express their opinion bcoz it is toooo "muslamy " the forum is a not a private right to any one .it is an open debate.
13 January 2007 17:34
La hawla wala quata ila bilah.

May God bless our parents whathever they could have done in their life. Amine.
14 January 2007 22:45
It's great to hear you talking in english coeur d'orient ! smiling smiley
15 January 2007 20:35
It's great to hear you talking in english coeur d'orient ! smiling smiley

I speak spanish too if you want. winking smiley
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