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It's possible to do this circuit with normal car renault clio in May 2009???
2 December 2008 21:42
J 1
Traversée du Haut-Atlas au tizi n’Tichka
Telouèt, visite de la kasbah du Glaoui
Piste de la vallée de l’Ounila, un must!
Tamdakht, Aït Benhaddou,
visite du ksar
Promenade dans la vallée
Dîner et nuit hôtel, vallée d’Aït Benhaddou

J 2
Ouarzazate et sa kasbah
Palmeraie de Skoura
Piste vallée des roses et des kasbahs
Vallée et gorges du Dadès
Vallée et gorges du Todra
Promenade dans les gorges du Todra
Dîner et nuit hôtel aux gorges ou Tamtatoucht

J 3
Promenade dans la palmeraie de Tinerhir
Oasis présahariennes du Tafilalet - Merzouga
Erg Chebbi
Randonnée chamelière au coucher de soleil vers
Bivouac dans les dunes , dîner et nuit

J 4
Tour de l’erg en 4x4
Entre montagne et désert aux confins du Maroc
Oasis présahariennes
Piste des gravures rupestres d’Aït Ouazik
Piste de la vallée du Drâa
Palmeraie du Mezguita-Tamnougalt visite ksar
Nuit kasbah à Tamnougalt

J 5
Piste des gorges du Drâa et ses villages berbères
Kasbah de Tifoultout
Tizi n’Tichka - Marrakech
Traversée de l’Anti Atlas vers Ouarzazate
(ou hôtel)
Palmeraie Tinerhir
et Gorges Todra
Vallée du Drâa
3 December 2008 11:54

There is so much to see in this itinerary, it is only 5 will be doing a lot of road instead of visiting...

Anayway, in J1 the telouet road is not totally paved, i know that landrovers anad 4X4 go there but not normal cars, but you can go to Ait benhaddou Kasbah directly without passing by telouet, which is a pity...only parts of the telouet valley road relating to the road of marrakech are paved...

J3, you can't go till erg chebbi by a renault clio... and the raod from Erfoud to Merzouga is not a good one

j5, which gorges de Drâa are you talikng about you will be visiting kasbah tifoultout, which is only few km from ouarzazate, and going back to Marrakech..Obviously, it is a risk to use a car on long trails, but it is up to you...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 December 2008 13:35
Thanks Hicham , very kind of you

It sounds that you know the area well so I must think about 4X4 and short circuit for 5 days ,do you have an idea ? thanks in advance
3 December 2008 16:14
Not at all 4fun,

Actually you can do up to 80% in the list on a normal car.. but if you want more freedom take a 4X4 drive car ..

Also it is possible to do the trip in 5 days and just forget about some places, for example, either see the dades or the todra gorges..or if you see one kasbah, it is enough and there is no need to see the others as they all look like, to a certain degree, in this case you can Visit Taourirt Kasbah in Ouarzazate City, best way as you will be taking a break in town.. Tifoultout kasbah is just the same as all kasbahs in the region..

ALso dedicate one night to Merzouga to spend the night under the moonlight..

if you have a 4X4 or not you can take another way back via Rissani alnif AGDZ...etc, this is in case you went to merzouga by Skoura, kalaa megouna , gorges, tinghir ....Erfoud..

the telouet valley is fantastic but i think you need a 4X4 to complete the road, if you don't , just drive untill there is some 20 or 30 ( i remember exactly ) and then take the road left taking to Ait Ben HAddou, you will see a part of the region and the kasbah..

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 December 2008 16:19
correction Last paragraph: until there is some 20 or 30 jm left to warzazate..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
9 December 2008 15:27
i did this almost exact circuit with a peugeot 106, dont know why not with a clio ..

let me tell you : images you will be about to experience are just fascinating
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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