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jacko s ghost
17 July 2009 14:36
17 July 2009 14:37
18 July 2009 03:30
Salama, i don't know where you live, but this was live in america, with jermain, Michaels brother and the other dude is the son of Marlon brondo, he is the father of Michaels youngest child.
This is old news dahhh, get over it.

let it go girl, Jacko the Wacko is dead but Allah lives til the end of times.
by now, worms are eating the flesh of Michael, he was a human just like you and i, but life continues..
He told the world, his generation, look at me, you can't ignore me cause i existe and listen to me.
and he danced and sang and sang and danced.
remember him as such but not more.

people said after the death of Elvis, no one will be like him again, Michael proved them wrong, he wasn't like him, he was better than him.
when jimi Hendrix died, people said no one will play guitar like him ever again, then came jimmy page, eric clapton, santana, slash.....
John Coltrane plyed the sax like it was never been played before, then came Coleman Randolph, Lester young, Miles DaVIS....

Salma, the world will see one day an artist who has 10 times the talents of Michael Jackson, it's human evolution, and music is in its center.
qui vivera vera.
19 July 2009 16:54
ok ok
you didnt need to give us a lesson mateHeu
21 July 2009 03:14
girl, u need people like me to wake u up.
u're living in a dream land.
wake up girl, Michael is dead.
But Allah is still alive.
21 July 2009 10:57
21 July 2009 12:18
what a waste of time.
and Energy...
21 July 2009 14:50
21 July 2009 16:54
and wonder why we Moroccans don't marry moroccan chicks.
no emotions and no opinions, for them it 's all about money like a business transaction.
Here is a 20 bucks for you Salma, on ur knees girl to pick it up.
comm on salma, on ur knees, i'll throw another 10 bucks,
pick them up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2009 04:57 by LibrePenseur.
22 July 2009 17:12
i don t need them dearptdr
why dont u go and get a real life
and who told yiou that we moroccans dont marry moroccans you re very wrong my friend
i suggest you go back to schoolHeu
and dont know how did they accept you in the US you uncultured freakevil
23 July 2009 21:02
Im not ur dear and i have a life, u don't see me spending 24/7 in a Moroccan Forum, do u?
girl, u're too short to ride a big horse.
stick with the low life donkeys?
How do u expect to ride a horse when all ur life u've been riding donkeys?
I have a culture, but not a donkey culture and it's not for u to decide how i got my visa to America.
Not all Moroccans need visa, some are born in America.
Go back to ur douar al 3roubia.
Men douar jiti l' England outs7abi kolshi bhalek?

24 July 2009 16:39
you know what
i m not going to waste my time with you
it s clear that you re (bouhali mkelekh wemjemmek)
iwa beze3t if you was born in the US i m a british as well
and for your knowledge england is the best country in europe
tell me something do you get medicine for free in america? no
do you get benefits if you re not working?....
and if you dont pay your mortgage they ll throw you out
god save the queenClap
24 July 2009 16:49
bezaaaaaaaaaaaaaf 3lik galak mn dour ana meknaaaaaaaaassya mn dar lkbira wel3aila me3roufa
chouf nta kiderti wselti leztazen
wakila drebtiha bchi hergua
wgalek i was born there
reallyAre you crazy
24 July 2009 17:18
God save what?
God save whom?
Are u for real?
And u're calling me mkalekh?
i wonder who is Mkalekh u or i?
it's 2009 and u're saying long live the king , long live the queen?
Hello, it's 2009 AD not 2009 BC,
Screw the queen and screw the king, long live democracy and long live freedom.
And to make things more clear for ur thick head, i have an education, i have a job and will always have a job cause i have an education, dahhhh...
why should i expect anything for free?
I don't expect anything for free.
My Mortgage is my problem and my wife works too, it's not ur problem, and my kids will never be in the streets, they will go to IV league universities.
Not everyone collects from the gvt like your sorry ass to survive, screw the gvt.
And screw ur queen too.
Long live FREEDOM and CAPITALISM, only SLAVES collect from the gvt.
24 July 2009 17:21
now i m sure that you re a real jerk
bye byeBye
24 July 2009 17:24
bezaaaaaaaaaaaaaf 3lik galak mn dour ana meknaaaaaaaaassya mn dar lkbira wel3aila me3roufa
chouf nta kiderti wselti leztazen
wakila drebtiha bchi hergua
wgalek i was born there
reallyAre you crazy
koni Meknassiya oula Souiriya, ana mali?
ana mashi rajlek, i don't care.
i can smell ur cheap parfum from 4000 miles.
siri mashti hadak sh3ar lemsha3kak dialek dik sa3a aji dwi m3aya.
ou7aidi hadak le rouge a levre dial chikhates ouhadak lmakiage dial l3roubia.
24 July 2009 17:27
whistling smiley
you need to fix your upstairs mate
or why dont you get a second hand one it s cheap as you cant afford itthumbs down
24 July 2009 17:45
Guelti beslama wemazal tadwi m3aya?
ok, ana tangool lik beslama, rani ghi tandhak m3ak al ghzal
Matk3aish No no
rani bghit nshed fik oushedite fik tongue sticking out smiley
let the blood flow into ur brain, otherwise u will have a heart attack and i don't wanna be responsible.
24 July 2009 18:09
But if u want to continu i love it, im not tired, i just don't want to hurt ur feelings..
I could go all day and all night long, im Moroccan, it's in my blood, in my DNA.
i can talk shit 24/7 with the best of them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2009 06:10 by LibrePenseur.
24 July 2009 18:25
oh yeah????
well i m a moroccan too
try meevil
24 July 2009 18:29
chouf rassek fhad lclip
typically you ptdr
24 July 2009 19:35
Salma, ana ghi 3roubi, i never said the opposit.
what's new?
i love my himar, when i say asha ara, he understands me.
but for ur info i was never interested in those chiki chiks, they are not from my douar, not from my village and don't know shit about my values, my principles or where i come from.
I have principles Salma, my principles come first, they from my douar, my village, my ancestors..
what's new?
Yes u did get me by finding out im a simple 3roubi, but you got the wrong dude, i don't date chiki chicks, i have principles.
Salma, briti tshoufi how i imagine u?
to be continued...
24 July 2009 19:46
by the way, i forgot to say something.
yes i was born in America not in Morocco and im as Moroccan as they come, and yes i can speak Moroccan better than you.
Live with it.
24 July 2009 20:00
This is how i imagine you dancing Salama ptdr
24 July 2009 20:47
what a3roubi or a3roubia means anyway is it an insult ???
i don t think our ancestors were actors / actresses in bay watch series !!!!!!!! or were they???moody smiley

we need a DNA test urgentlyptdr
24 July 2009 21:33
Whatup, wa rani d'origine men le moyen Atlas, wash tishab lik ana jite men Beverly Hills ou khalti hia Pamela Anderson ou bent 3amti hia Paris Hilton?
wa rani tan3raf kifash nsoug lhmar, ra ghi rkeb fou9ou rah ti3raf trik men douar tal wad, ghir gool sha ou raa meni ti3awej trik.
ila 3awej trik 9oj omo ouderbou bel3sa le jenb li britih imshi ou gool shaa ou raa..
Ash men DNA test ra jdoudi kolhom men moyen Atlas, jamais tkhaltou m3a shi 9awm akhor, 2000% from the Atlas Mountains, i have nothing to prove.
25 July 2009 17:11
there you go
you see watup this guy thinks he knows everything
and just yesterday he was insulting me and telling me that i m 3roubya
iwa chkoun li3roubi daba
ana rani mn hamria dmeknes(le quartier le plus chic de meknes)Cool
25 July 2009 17:47
we all originally from agricultural villages so a3roubi or a3roubia is not an insult
we have the best of both worlds : simplicity and modernity (7mar wel farrari)ptdr
27 July 2009 11:16
28 July 2009 07:50
Whatp, the middle Atlas starts in Meknes on the borders with the rif mountains, and stops in the borders of Marackesh,
Im a descendent of Moha-Hamo Zayani, i know my history, i know the Atlas Mountains..
But a young chick called Salma is trying to give me a lecon about my history, about the Atlas Mountains
She thinks she knows my ancestors more than i do.
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