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The Jewish school where half the pupils are Muslim
2 February 2007 03:21
King David, in Birmingham, is a state primary where the children learn Hebrew, recite Jewish prayers, eat kosher food and wave Israeli flags. So how come the majority of pupils are followers of Islam? Jonathan Margolis investigates


well , well , well Clap
2 February 2007 09:45
It's a great concept if it could be reciprocated : a muslim school with jewish pupils. Although I don't get the israeli flag, that's pushing the envelop a bit.
The idea, I assume, is to build generations of children educated in a multi-faiths environment, it's the best vaccine against bigotry, so the allegiance to the flag ? Jewishness does not necessarily mean Israel.

One thing though, this isn't new. We've had that in Morocco for decades, Maimonide in Casablanca comes to mind, there were others in Essaouira, Tangiers...etc, Jews and Muslims have been educated together from the moment there was an education system back home, our country is one of a kind when it comes to that.
Now if somebody could just break the news to muslims in Europe...smiling smiley

What would be interesting is to find out 10/15 years from now if these kids stay in touch, build healthy relationships...etc
2 February 2007 10:11
May be the school will be producing many Ghandis to build bridges and narrow the gap.
6 February 2007 13:32
damn, it should be normal...
but we are impressed when we see jews and muslims get along... damn guys, we live in a strange world...

this isnt special, it's normal... we are the ones living in a special world where Muslims and Jews feel hatred toward each others...

it's good, but not enough...

and i dont like the Israeli flag part... it's BS... Israel isnt a jew country, it's zionist country...
dont mistake jews with zionists please...
14 February 2007 15:11
salam alaykum all,

Having muslims and jews attending same school is totally familiar thing specially in morocco ,my sisters and brothers used to attend catholic schools in Morocco. they did not have to attend prayers part but the rest is the same.
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