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Journey to Mecca (Movie about Ibn Battouta)
16 December 2009 04:10
I missed it last week in Dallas. But I heard that it was an amazing movie staring the story of the Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta.
It's an IMAX fiction documentary curently playing in many cities around the world.
You can check the trailer and more information at: []

So what do you think about this kind of movie? don't we have enough people to talk about?
share your comments here.

:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
21 December 2009 00:17
I get a chance to see this documentary at the museum of Natural History here in New York this year, it's an amazing and moving piece of art, the theater was packed even if it was a rainy day.
People get a chance to speak to the producers from Canada after the screening. I wish we can have more of this kind of documentary fiction to talk about history of Morocco and Islam.
24 December 2009 17:51
I had the chance to see it few months ago.

It was in the Imax theater of the Canadian museum of civilization (Ottawa), and it was for testing people to know if they would like it or not.... and they did. Now it's on the screen in the museum.

I really like it because it's the one and only about Ibn Battouta, and I really appreciate it.

Even a friend of mine , an old lady from Quebec spend almost one hour after the movie to ask me specific questions as: '' why in the hajj people turning around the mecca in the opposite direction of the clock? '' ... ''why the thief help Ibn Batoouta at the end of the movie''....'' why he did not comeback after he did the ahjj'' etc...

It deserve to see it.
30 December 2009 00:22
I hope to see it soon.
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