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june (heatwave across the uk)
1 June 2009 17:45
there has been a slight change of the weather
its gone from warm to flaming hotmoody smiley
1 June 2009 18:48
we moroccan we don t mind hot weather we are immune because in morocco the temperature reachs 45 degree so the heat waves in europe is nothing
i see european struggling , their skin turn into a beetroot very pink colour , hardly breathing , i love it
we are the children of the sun , mother africa trained us grinning smiley
we are like snakes the warmer it gets the more active we are but i must admit i struggle in winter it s bloody cold i wear a double duvey to work

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2009 06:55 by whatsup.
8 June 2009 10:40
you are a funny guy matethumbs up
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