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Just one question here...
24 November 2006 16:10
Most if not all topics bring religion as the main focus... now ... who has read the Koran and considers himself/herself they understood it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2006 04:16 by riffman.
24 November 2006 16:18
Read it and still re-reading as I advance in other fields to try to find other meanings.
24 November 2006 16:27
Thanx for the answer Chelhman, it's good to know, so if I have some questions, I guess you can help, right?. I have read part of it. My arabic ain't that good to understand some words, so I 've been reading bilingual (Arabic-English). as you said sometimes a verse has many meanings, depending on the viewpoint.
24 November 2006 16:35
Riffman, I'm 2nd generation, I haven't read the quran in its original language but in french and english. It makes it confusing sometimes, because the translations don't match or sometimes mean something completely different.
Let me give you an example :

Surat al ba9ara :

2.11. Et quand on leur dit : “Ne semez pas la corruption sur la terre”, ils disent : “Au contraire nous ne sommes que des réformateurs ! ”
2.11 . And when it is said unto them : Make not mischief in the earth , they say : We are peacemakers only .

"réformateurs" and "peacemakers", it's a completely different meaning, so you have to dig up other translations or find people who've written about it. It's fastidious.
24 November 2006 17:15
I work in that field, translation, and it is tough! (lucky me I just stick to technical translations) as they used to say tradutore=traditore (translator=traitor) LOL. In the case you mentioned in other languages the term changes as well.
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