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Just when you thought we are safe.
23 May 2009 13:48
Alright those in the UK.. this is it... start packing up... Football

Professor Robert Shiller warns Britain may suffer a double recession!

23 May 2009 13:56
Well, perhaps this Mr Robert Shiller ain't bluffing...eye popping smiley

Mortgage ‘timebomb’ raises fears of a new wave of repossessions


Ooouch!!! Another two years of this? You got to be kidding!!!! You mean there is more to come at least for another two years? Oups

'Brutal' economic slump will slow UK recovery, says EIU

23 May 2009 16:11
winking smileyi just been to UK for a week , apart from the pound which is weak at the moment good news for visitors)i didn t notice anything , people shop til they drop smiling smiley
23 May 2009 20:44
Now whatsup, what would you know if you have only been for a week. grinning smiley
24 May 2009 20:07
a visitor observes better than a localwinking smileycompared to other countries i visited the economic crisis is not really that visible in UK , visit France , germany or belgiumsad smiley
25 May 2009 08:52
More crap please!!! grinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smiley
25 May 2009 13:06
we will see children begging in UK soon , old people starving grinning smileyhope this kind of crap suits your likings grinning smiley
bad news is the news , good news is no news , i understand your moto matewinking smiley
25 May 2009 16:43
we will see children begging in UK soon , old people starving grinning smileyhope this kind of crap suits your likings grinning smiley
bad news is the news , good news is no news , i understand your moto matewinking smiley

This article was written in 1999 by none other than John Pilger. If such was the situation in Britain, just imagine, by a slight stretch of the imagination, what the situation is like now. Are you crazyForgot you were only there for a week or were you? perplexe


The deepening poverty in Britain remains largely unspoken of and denied; yet Britain is to the First World the economic and social laboratory that Pinochet's Chile was to the Third World. The UN Human Development Report for 1997 said that in no other country has poverty “increased as substantially” since the early 1980s, that the number of Britons in “income poverty” has leapt by nearly 60% since the rule of Thatcher, the “great unsung heroine of British feminism”, according to Natasha Walter.

The author of a parliamentary report on poverty, Dr Richard Harding, says 2000 children die in Britain every year because they are poor. eye popping smiley

Dr Ian Banks, the British Medical Association spokesperson on men and health, says that suicide is “the big new killer of men and is shockingly popular -- it has doubled in the past 10 years. The one clear cause is uncertainty at work. Short-term contracts are a constant strain that makes men ill.” sad smiley

With a few honourable exceptions, such as Sheila Rowbotham, feminists with public voices remain silent on these effects of economic engineering. The most vocal, be they “new” or “old” feminists, embrace the ideology of “middle-classness”, which under Blair has become sectarian, uniting his new establishment of the media and the City of London.

Gender politics was right as a spur for the great feminist reawakening when Greer's The Female Eunuch was influential, but its power for liberation could never survive for long outside the great universal resistance, which recognises the overriding importance of class.

Thatcher was no-one's feminist sister. Neither are the massed ranks of female Blairite MPs, who supported the government's assault on single mothers and the criminal bombing and starving of women, men and children in Iraq.

True feminists understand that liberation is impossible while ordinary people, women and men, are divided in the face of the common enemy. This is a sorely neglected theme among female commentators, whose narcissistic trivia has nothing to do with the feminism they claim to uphold.

Barbara Ellen in the Observer devoted her weekly egocentricities to telling us how drunk she became in her mini-skirt at the What the Papers Say awards lunch. She threw in her status as a single mother as a sort of badge of honour.

The irony of this was that, apart from the well-deserved recognition of rare journalists such as Nick Davies and David Hencke, the event was, as Clive Anderson's presentation made clear, a vicarious celebration of the ethos of the Sun, whose sexist influence is now rampant through the media, including the broadsheets and broadcasting.

Many women journalists are used to great effect in the Murdochised media. They are required merely to be bitchy, to the great satisfaction of their mostly male executives.

How many have used their privileged platform to speak out on, say, the enrichment of the rich by Blair's government, and the disciplining of working women and men and those denied work; on the promotion of an arms trade that causes unreported Omaghs and Dunblanes all over the world, killing, among others, women who cannot afford to wear nail polish or feel guilty about cleaning the toilet?
11 June 2009 08:51
so what s your point???whistling smiley
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