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Ibn Khaldun
2 July 2007 17:29
"Five centuries before Darwin discovered the specific features of evolution, Ibn Khaldun wrote that humans developed from "the world of the monkeys" through a widening process in which "species become more numerous." Nearly half a millennium before Karl Marx sketched the systematic implications of the labor theory of value, Ibn Khaldun wrote that "labor is the real basis of profit." Four hundred years before Auguste Comte's "invention" of sociology, Ibn Khaldun unveiled his "science of culture."

Ibn Khaldun: A Dialectical Philosopher for the New Millennium
by George Katsiaficas
Wentworth Institute of Technology
2 July 2007 19:24
it seems interesting !
2 July 2007 20:23
Sure safa,

one of a multitude of our scholars ignored both by muslims and the west ....
2 November 2007 16:43
Please do check the statement before believing it hastily.
The theory of evolution is completely false and unislamic. How can it be related to Ibn khaldun ?!!

2 November 2007 23:54
the issue is that Ibn khaldoun was a pionneer especially as far as sociology is concerned ..

As for the theory of evolution, personaly i haven't read elswhere that he talked about it but this was a academic research - and not a personal point of view - submitted to dabate ....
3 November 2007 00:08
ok brother, who claimed that Ibn khaldun had elaborated on evolutionism ? that must be checked before taking it for sure !
6 November 2007 13:18
he/she wont't say it seem you are going to beat the hell out of him smiling smiley
6 November 2007 21:28

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2007 09:30 by Krim.
9 November 2007 21:18
With all due respect, what's the point of this post? To say that the Moslim world was once great, civilized and well ahead of its time? we all know that, everybody knows that. The real issue is How is it now? why is it the the miserable way it is now? and What to do about it now and in the future? nobady can change History or rewind the time clock back. So it would be more constructive to think forward, and not backward like most of moslims do.
11 November 2007 22:08
the point of this post is the one of every post, put something for debate...and inspire you to put such questions, give your opnion as you did and extrapolate about other people's intentions... i know it is obvious but there is no other reply to your question ...
12 November 2007 20:30
I did give the two links just info about ibn Khaldoun. In fact, such discussion are not non sense. Understanding history can be of great interest to prepare the future. Thinkers like Ibn Rushd, Ibn Khaldoun and many others were ahead of their time. Their analysis and ideas are somehow usefull to understand the present.
12 November 2007 22:19
I hope you two didn't misunderstand my post, Well there is of course a point to what you are saying, and there is no dought that Ibn Khaldoun, Ibn Rushd, and so many others are great thinkers. But my point is, in today's Moslim world, it would take Ibn Khaldoun or Ibn Roshd themselves to try to implement their idiologies, not because people don't know about them, but because the Arab world is so wicked, and the people who have the power are so worried about their own interests, that anything that promeses some change in the right direction is comdamned before even it is stated. And that is the real reason, I think, media and all educational channels are filled with empty and sterile topics that have for the most part to do with women, and the like, as if that is the only important topic in religion.
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