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Khalil discloses letter from Hariri's aide: Hariri sought "a pledge of...
13 December 2006 23:42
Khalil discloses letter from Hariri's aide: Hariri sought "a pledge of honor" from Sayyed Nasrallah to hand over arms

The political assistant of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, Hajj Hussein Khalil held a press conference Wednesday and unveiled a letter sent to Sayyed Nasrallah, during the war, in which the head of the so called majority MP Saad Hariri requested "a word of honor" that the resistance hands over its arms in order to stop the war.
Khalil showed the letter to reporters and said that it was written by "lieutenant colonel Wisam al-Hasan", the head of the "Intelligence Branch" of the Interior Ministry and Hariri's "assistant." Khalil said that the disclosed letter is from the "archive of war" and that it was hand written by "Wisam al-Hasan". The Hezbollah official added that he had told Hariri's envoy that he would be ashamed to deliver such a letter to Sayyed Nasrallah, especially during the time of war. However, Khalil said, Wisam al-Hasan replied that "Hariri" insists that this letter be delivered to Sayyed Nasrallah.

Hajj Husein Khalil said: "We had hoped that MP Hariri would not oblige us to disclose his position during the Israeli aggression against Lebanon, and we had worked on continuing the relation and understanding that we had established with his father, martyr Rafiq Hariri, on the common view of Lebanon as well as the role of the resistance. But unfortunately MP Hariri could not get out of the circle of internal and external pressure and ascent to the level of this relationship. Instead he worked to annul it through turning against it and then disavowing every deal, pledge and agreement we had made with him. Khalil added that after Hariri attacked the resistance, "I challenged him to unveil the content of the letters that he used to send to the leadership of the resistance during the Israeli aggression, but he kept silent and we also chose not to raise the issue. However, they (Saad Hariri and his Future Movement) continued to distort facts what prompted us to disclose the content of this letter." Sayyed Nasrallah's political aide then read the letter: "Dear brother Hajj Husein Khalil: 1- I informed Sheikh Saad of our meeting in details and I explained to him your fear and objection to the international force, and your desire that it be under UN command and not to come under Chapter 7 (of the UN charter). 2- I also explained to him your insistence that the government would not mention the disarmament of Hezbollah in the resolution that would be issued by the Security Council, provided that this matter would we dealt with according to the Taef Accord as "an internal affair", so that it would not look like it is imposed on you by Israel and the US. 3- Sheikh Saad Hariri called me again this morning to ask me about the "pledge of honor" by his eminence the Sayyed regarding the arms issue, and told me to ask you for an answer."
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