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el khit lebyed
13 June 2009 16:00
have seen that programe yet?(el khit lebyed)
well it is goodBye
13 June 2009 20:55
i did watch it once or twice i think , it s similar to a program i watched on tunisie channel
families at war evil
14 June 2009 13:28
ok calm downmoody smiley
26 June 2009 16:44
I've just watched it this week , really it's different from usual programs
and i find it interesting to got onto some matters concerning all morracon social class
26 June 2009 16:56
glad to hear itgrinning smiley
29 June 2009 00:21
what is it about?
29 June 2009 11:39
hi there
it s about solving problems between members of one familly or between friends...
it s like the geremy carle show in englandperplexe
29 June 2009 17:07
salma , i don t think nasima el 7or is rude or loud as Jeremy Kyle showptdr
i do think this program reflects the changes of menatlity in morocco which a good sign specially that couple from Tanger where the woman was talking about domestic violence , it also shows how moroccan man beleives rumours and lacks the ability to have a one to one dialogue with his wife
29 June 2009 17:13
well at least they are trying to
i know it s a long way to reach success
3 October 2009 22:04
families at war i noticed that older generation are not forgiving , very stubborn
the older some people get the harder their heart become !
5 November 2009 10:52
i watched it few times the only conclusion i have is : why older moroccan generation don t forgive easily , they held grudges , isn t it the older we get the more forgiving we become but in alot of cases old parents or grand parents they refuse to forgive sometimes about material things like inheritance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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