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The king is disappointed with Israel´s war in Lebanon?
11 October 2006 17:07
What do you think about the claims in this article?

...Read also to the comments at the end of the article.
11 October 2006 17:37
I shall tend to mitigate my opinion on this article

Because by reading the title, I am finally delighted that our dear and soft king acts finally in good Moslem and also in coherence with the Arabic world

But when I read the last paragraph I remain shocked by the attitude of my Moroccan colleagues

How to to be credible and speak about a voice(vote) if the government and the people are not one and indivible in front of the international
11 October 2006 17:38
Not surprising at all, the King has a notorious disgust for the fundamentalists. For M6 to wish that Hezbollah would bite the dust is just a continuation of his realpolitik.
There was an article on the same TelQuel mentioned in Haaretz where it stated that Nasrallah was a hero among Moroccans, it emboldens our fundamentalists and it's not good for business.

Let's be realistic, a country plagued by islamists is not a magnet for investments, which in turn creates poverty which favors fundamentalism...etc, remember these people thrive on the people's misery, it's a vicious circle.

The question is which society do we want ? An open one in a booming economy or an isolated theocracy ?
So far, M6 has my vote, he's doing well, the PJD has yet to show a sound program on the issues, one of their leaders when asked about that, said they promised a zero unemployment economy...need I say more ?
11 October 2006 17:45
they promised a zero unemployment economy

I want to be in the first row if ca takes place

After the tolerance 0, and we speak about unemployment O


Morocco will always amaze me
11 October 2006 18:28
But raising in public such wishes to support Israel in its war against Lebanon is misguiding for the Moroccan monarchy, of course in case such statement from the Moroccan officials were proven. It is also in contrast with the official stance of solidarity with Lebanon and sending aids and relief’s by the Moroccan gvmt to Lebanon during the war...Even if it´s known that no arab leader (or so called moderate Arab leaders-except probably Sirya) wanted a victory of Hezbollah, no one of them had the courage to raise his wishes in public because the israeli-arab conflict is very popular across the Arab world and especially in morocc. and it would be politically very costly for any leader to issue such statement.

It is normal to see Nasrallah emerging as a star in the arab world after his performance against Israel since he achieved a symbolic “victory” that all the arab regimes and armies dare to achieve since 48...and we should not forget that Moroccan Forces fought alongside with other arab armies against Israel in 73.

Also I think the political agenda of the PJD in Morocco is not inspired totally from Hezbollah or Hamas, but linked primarily to local problems preoccupations.

Not surprising at all, the King has a notorious disgust for the fundamentalists. For M6 to wish that Hezbollah would bite the dust is just a continuation of his realpolitik.
There was an article on the same TelQuel mentioned in Haaretz where it stated that Nasrallah was a hero among Moroccans, it emboldens our fundamentalists and it's not good for business.

Let's be realistic, a country plagued by islamists is not a magnet for investments, which in turn creates poverty which favors fundamentalism...etc, remember these people thrive on the people's misery, it's a vicious circle.

The question is which society do we want ? An open one in a booming economy or an isolated theocracy ?
So far, M6 has my vote, he's doing well, the PJD has yet to show a sound program on the issues, one of their leaders when asked about that, said they promised a zero unemployment economy...need I say more ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2006 06:38 by alximo.
11 October 2006 22:12
Alximo, if you've read his statements, M6 is supporting Lebanon not Hezbollah, there is no contradiction.

The lebanese governement was never consulted by Nasrallah before he launched his private little adventure, he acted on his own, he does not represent Lebanon but Hezbollah. So diplomatically speaking, M6 was right, he supports a state not an organisation. As for the so called "victory" I disagree, Hezbollah threw back Lebanon ten years in its development, they were just starting to be a thriving society again and then boom ! Nasrallah decides to provoke Israel. He said it himself : had he known Israel would respond to the kidnappings with war, he would never have provoked them. But an arab world starving for political dignity is ready to embrace even Nasrallah.

For the PJD, you're right, they're driven by a local agenda but being a party based, or should I say cloaked , in religion, it helps them to show another religious leader scoring points.
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