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you know u r an american when!!
26 October 2007 09:51
when you think that the rest of the world is more inferior than the US people, i mean the rest and american are not in the same equal footing!!!
when you think that the world belongs yourself
when you think that you have more right than others, for example go to irak to make war
when you think that the english language is the only language in the world because you don't want to learn others

its already to much for you if you are american
26 October 2007 11:00
When you shouldn't drink water in Mexico.
When you pronounce "Aïrak", "aïtalian" for Irak and italian
When you call your president the leader of the free world. Don't see any shackles on my anklessmiling smiley
The list would be endless...
26 October 2007 12:26
when you call Iraq "Ay Rak"
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