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Ben Laden's spy
30 November 2006 00:54
Here's a whopper for you guys : Ben Laden is believed to have had a spy within the CIA and the FBI.
I usually like, their stories are sometimes way ahead of the curve but this time, I think they're being made a fool of.

Peter Lance is a respected journalist but his story doesn't make sense, he claims an Egyptian operative spied for Ben Laden, my problem is that Ben Laden was CIA, his relationship with the CIA dates back to the afghan war, Le Monde featured a story on october 2001 that a meeting took place in Dubaï in july 2001 at a hospital where Ben Laden was being treated, between him and a CIA local representative. Why would he need a spy ? They were obviously working together.

One more thing, I actually remember this Egyptian from right after 9/11, Ali Mohamed, he was named on several websites, including, to show the shady relationship between the US intelligence community and the so-called Al Qaeda. So, he didn't need to spy, all he had to do is ask, he was allowed to go back and forth to Egypt after training in the US.
None of this makes sense.

This story looks like a plant for something, worth watching.

[] (video available for laziessmiling smiley)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2006 04:16 by chelhman.
30 November 2006 13:16
hi chelhman,

Maybe this is a imaginary story in order to relive the “myth“ of benladen...never know!...
30 November 2006 13:41

You could be right, Al Qaida as a scarecrow is losing momemtum, maybe this is a way of diverting attention from the fiasco in Iraq. If this is the case, we should see a salvo of stories in the next few weeks, with the usual pundits and talking heads telling people how to think.
But these people don't operate in a vacuum, there's always a hidden agenda, it's these little details that give you an idea of where they're heading.
30 November 2006 15:47
I don't know about this, but my opinion... AlQuaeda does not exist, and may be never existed. It's propaganda to say that we are fighting something instead of nothing. all pretexts so far have been to mention this name, this is brainwashing! 9/11 alqaeda... afganistan alqaeda... iraq alqaeda... now iran alqaeda... even egypt now seems to be involved (the future leader of alqaeda is from egypt)... morocco too (his bodyguard was moroccan). as someone said "fear is the tool to rule mankind". and we are falling for it.
1 December 2006 19:26
Here's a whopper for you guys : Ben Laden is believed to have had a spy within the CIA and the FBI.
I usually like, their stories are sometimes way ahead of the curve but this time, I think they're being made a fool of.

Peter Lance is a respected journalist but his story doesn't make sense, he claims an Egyptian operative spied for Ben Laden, my problem is that Ben Laden was CIA, his relationship with the CIA dates back to the afghan war, Le Monde featured a story on october 2001 that a meeting took place in Dubaï in july 2001 at a hospital where Ben Laden was being treated, between him and a CIA local representative. Why would he need a spy ? They were obviously working together.

One more thing, I actually remember this Egyptian from right after 9/11, Ali Mohamed, he was named on several websites, including, to show the shady relationship between the US intelligence community and the so-called Al Qaeda. So, he didn't need to spy, all he had to do is ask, he was allowed to go back and forth to Egypt after training in the US.
None of this makes sense.

This story looks like a plant for something, worth watching.

[] (video available for laziessmiling smiley)

That is rubbish and again as usual the kind of manoeuver to distract attention from the main focus of the article in question.

If you agree on that the supposed spy (ali momo) asks questions and brings the responses back to benladen, then that is exactly what is called : Spying on behalf of someone. What is then wrong in naming a cat by his very name: cat!!!

You who lived so long in the midst of the islamo-arabists ideology and appreciate at a high level the arabistos's cultural way of thinking will always find a say at the very point where you should start reviewing and revising your positions, beliefs and put yourself in question!!!!

-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
1 December 2006 22:11

That is rubbish and again as usual the kind of manoeuver to distract attention from the main focus of the article in question.

If you agree on that the supposed spy (ali momo) asks questions and brings the responses back to benladen, then that is exactly what is called : Spying on behalf of someone. What is then wrong in naming a cat by his very name: cat!!!
You who lived so long in the midst of the islamo-arabists ideology and appreciate at a high level the arabistos's cultural way of thinking will always find a say at the very point where you should start reviewing and revising your positions, beliefs and put yourself in question!!!!

Midst of islamo-arabists ideology ? Maybe you should read a few posts on this forum before you provoke me or maybe just look at my alias.
We've had this conversation before, don't you remember ?

Ben Laden worked with the CIA, it's a fact admitted by both sides. So again, why would he need to spy on them ?
The islamists are an old demon awaken twice in the last 50 years, once for the afghan war and now to replace the communists to serve as a scarecrow.
If you're in love with the neocons, I guess we're not going to agree my amazigh friend, I loathe what they're about just as I loathe the islamists.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2006 10:12 by chelhman.
2 December 2006 05:05
I guess the real question is, why?
2 December 2006 17:50

Midst of islamo-arabists ideology ? Maybe you should read a few posts on this forum before you provoke me or maybe just look at my alias.
We've had this conversation before, don't you remember ?

Ben Laden worked with the CIA, it's a fact admitted by both sides. So again, why would he need to spy on them ?
The islamists are an old demon awaken twice in the last 50 years, once for the afghan war and now to replace the communists to serve as a scarecrow.
If you're in love with the neocons, I guess we're not going to agree my amazigh friend, I loathe what they're about just as I loathe the islamists.

We all know that benladen and his cronies used the tools, money and weapons provided by the CIA via
the saoudi secret services who were his closest friends, to combat the soviet army in afganistan!
Firmly stating, like you do, without any reservation nor serious or documented sources that benladen was a CIA agent is a leap forward that only stubborn arabistos and their closest allies had made at the present!

Of course I remember, so my amazigh brother, I just ask you to be aware of the arabistos propaganda, It is far more lethal and sophisticated than that of the neocons, just look around you!!!

-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
2 December 2006 18:01
Kouider, read me again, I said "relationship with the CIA", I didn't say he was an agent, there's a notable difference.
As for "arabistos propaganda", I usually read several opposite-minded sources before I make up my mind, that way I can avoid falling for easy answers (i.e propaganda).
2 December 2006 23:50
Ladies and Gents,

I'd like to get you take on This. Why do you think the US, and friends sometimes, is always finding enemies, The indian savages, the chilien navy, south-east asia, Central America,the hitler-revisited Saddam, Jacobo Arbenz, Omar Torillo, Mosadeq,the red commies, Alqaeda,...etc ? ....Love to hear from you
4 December 2006 10:43
Hi Chiefseattle,

two answers to your question in my view : Defense Contracts + oil

It's all about money and power, always as been, always will be. And the money in all of what you cited is in the defense sector. They don't even hide it anymore, look at the war in Iraq, Halliburton directly linked to the VP, no buffer, no complex web of companies to hide his link, nothing. From the VP straight to Halliburton : that's a big "In Your Face !" to the entire world.

The problem is, all of this comes with ideologies trailing behind, used as fig leaves, that do a lot of damage because once the corporate heist is over, we're left with the zealots who fell for the fig leaves.

I'm reminded of that scene in JFK between Garrison and Mr X played by Donald Sutherland. Worth watching again in this context.

And last but not least, "oil", the remaining patches of any economy's blood is behind most of the turmoil of these past few years. The Moron in Chief has been put there to make sure the US defense apparatus is fully behind implementing the final grab.
I've read an article in 2003, the author took the time to superimpose the new american bases across the world and the last oil reserves locations : perfect fit.
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