Connexion Voyages Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Laura Prioul, allegedly raped by Saad Lamjarred, gives her version of the story...
14 novembre 2017 16:32
Obviousely,after seeing the video,it s clear that laura prioul law advisers are facing big challenges to overcome french laws regarding definition of rape charges.

Laura and saad are considered adults.

Therfore,under french laws,they are responsible for all private matter.

All sexual acts or consequences are legal in france unless there are statments from witnesses to confirm a rape or pedophia case.

Anyway,i think laura should talk to saad sollicitors and settle the matter in a peacefull she can rebuilt her life.

It was a one night stand and date.

This story is a bad news and it turn ugly as both sides did abuse of alcohol and drugs.simple as that and a night to forget.Bye

Modifié 3 fois. Dernière modification le 14/11/17 16:53 par Itwasntme.
14 novembre 2017 20:56
Ses expressions faciales montrent qu'elle invente un mensonge de toutes pièces...

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