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how to learn english
9 May 2017 03:29
I really appreciate the idea of yabi in english ,therefore it could be an opportunity for me to improve my english . so there is any others methods to improve myenglish , because today english become more important than french ,so it's now or never .
9 May 2017 04:31

Well, if you like to talk a lot in English, you should also learn Arabic to make you a lot of friends, sorry, I master little English.

Hans sama
I really appreciate the idea of yabi in english ,therefore it could be an opportunity for me to improve my english . so there is any others methods to improve myenglish , because today english become more important than french ,so it's now or never .
9 May 2017 09:36
You can for example turn every tools on your computer into english, such as: your operating system, your internet browser, text editor, spreadsheet...
You can even do the same with your smartphone.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/09/2017 09:38 by S0ussi.
9 May 2017 12:01
The most effective way to learn English, is to use it. You can learn song lyrics or sing along to your favourites songs, that's a great way to improve both reading and listening while having fun !

You should also watch all English or American movies in their original version, with ENGLISH subtitles. You should never watch anything dubbed, or with french subtitles. It doesn't matter if you don't understand half of the movie, the frist time you'll miss some words but the second and the third time you'll notice that you can understand almost everything !

I can assure you that I've never learned English in school, I learned it mainly by watching movies ..
9 May 2017 12:35
I could not agree more with Sashiki, I spent hours in English University and whereas I learned a lot of vocabulary and grammar, it did not help as well oral communication as US TV Shows & songs did

Sashiki's right regarding the subtitles too, english is far better and you'll memorize tons of new words this way. If I may, I consider TV Shows better than movies : you have to focuse for 2hours in order to watch a movie whereas 25mn are already pretty good for a TV Show. I would advise you to check the Comedy TV Shows because they're funny and I'm sure our brain remembers better what we hear if we laugh too. Maybe I'm wrong but if you watch a crime TV Show, there will be no fun learning english if the characters are dealing with a dead body (you know what I mean)

So yeah, nothing's better than TV & Songs, depending on what's haram or not of course, let us know if you need some tips about good funny TV Shows !
9 May 2017 12:38
That's true, comedy shows such as Friends or How I Met Your Mother use relatively easy vocabulary and are really fun to watch with English subtitles.
9 May 2017 20:34
"It's now or neveeeeerr
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling,
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late,
It's now or neveeerrrr
My love won't wait ..."
Hans sama
I really appreciate the idea of yabi in english ,therefore it could be an opportunity for me to improve my english . so there is any others methods to improve myenglish , because today english become more important than french ,so it's now or never .
9 May 2017 20:42
Do this, it's quite effective to get the basics.

Now if you want to improve it because you already have the basis, you need to use it for real. Find some english friends to talk with (internet can help), or if you can afford it, spend some weeks/months in a english speaking country. You can have all the vocabulary in the world, if you don't train your brain to speak it, you will struggle.
The most effective way to learn English, is to use it. You can learn song lyrics or sing along to your favourites songs, that's a great way to improve both reading and listening while having fun !

You should also watch all English or American movies in their original version, with ENGLISH subtitles. You should never watch anything dubbed, or with french subtitles. It doesn't matter if you don't understand half of the movie, the frist time you'll miss some words but the second and the third time you'll notice that you can understand almost everything !

I can assure you that I've never learned English in school, I learned it mainly by watching movies ..
15 May 2017 22:31
Hi Hans sama,

You did good by starting a topic here in Yabi. I will add a couple of advice in addition of those In that have been given to you:

o Listen to the radio in English (e.g., the news, ads);
o Watch television in English (e.g., news programs. soap operas);
o Visit English-language social media sites;
o Foster friendly encounters with Anglophone colleagues, friends and neighbours;
o Sign up for professional training, sports and cultural activities for English speakers;
o Visit English-speaking towns, places and institutions;

Remember, all the efforts you could made to achieve your language level could go to waste without an effective learning retention strategy, so be proactive. Take advantage of all formal and informal opportunities to speak your second official language.
Ask your anglophone colleagues/friends for support and assistance in maintaining and improving your communication skills.
Target realistic objectives and assess them regularly; you can take risks but don’t let your mistakes discourage you, in the contrary keep your personal lexicon “alive” and continue to enrich it and especially, enjoy speaking your english language.

You can create a topic where for example you ask everyone to bring a new english word and we look for the meaning then we put it in a phrase... let's call it "a new word per day" (just an example).

Good luck

2 June 2017 01:42
I wanna learn English too
6 June 2017 13:02

Language is like fitness, the more you practice, the more you will have what you want.

The best way to learn English (or any language) is to hear it and speak it EVERY SINGLE DAY until you master it a bit. Use Television, internet, forums, movies, travel, make friends with native people and so on. Zen
[i]On ne peut rien apprendre aux gens. On peut seulement les aider à découvrir qu’ils possèdent déjà en eux tout ce qui est à apprendre. [/i]
13 June 2017 16:07
Salam aleikoum Everyone,

I take advantage from that post, I feel I am loosing my English too,
and I would like to talk with british sisters on Skype or whatsapp in order to get a better level ..
Anyone to help me ?

Many thanks in advance,
23 June 2017 19:53
hello, the best way is to chat with people..thus you can learn english without feeling can even spend long hours chatting and learning without feeling tired.
15 July 2017 11:16

I see you've already been given some very wise advices, hence I shall only add a link to a website that allows you to connect with people from all around the world and communicate with them in the language of your choice.
You can start by texting but I suggest you try talking with them as much as possible because oral communication is usually a big step to take yet so important. Also it's a mutual exchange, meaning while you learn their language, they can also learn yours, you could switch from one tongue to the other when you guys chose to.

Enjoy ^^

26 August 2017 23:43
watch american series thats how i learned English
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