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A legal outrage
16 February 2007 18:57
This is something that has been going on for years now, actually longer than Greg Palast says on the video. It's outrageous.
For those of you not familiar with financial matters, it's about "vulture funds", basically a financial company buys out a country's debt from a creditor for 10 to 15 % of its face value, and then demands the full amount to the indebted country.
It's what the mafia does, except here it's legal and it's sanctioned by international laws.
Click on "watch 256K stream" and watch the video.

16 February 2007 19:54
is that really an outrage???!!!

once should know why those countries ( I mean Africans) accept deals like this?!!!….mostly because they need the money for weapons in order to kill each others in their endless blood conflicts no matter the price instead of developing their countries… here Zambia with Malawi about the borders partly resolved now … if they don’t care about their people no one will do it …..basically every one is waiting for the best opportunity to exploit others….international rules.... simple as that!!!.....
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