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Legalization of Marijuana
4 December 2006 07:23
A little background here,

In 1976, the Dutch government decided to tolerate the use of cannabis for many reasons, Dutch wanted to stay the pionners in all liberations in Europ, they believed that by doing so, users will divert from the no-go areas, cannabis has alleged therapeutic virtues, they also hoped to keep users of soft drugs away from hard drugs and the accompanying criminal cortege.

Thirty years after what is the result :
- Delivery of soft drugs to the coffee shops is largely under the control of large-scale organized crime, oftenly involving moroccans.
- Over the past two decades, all sound research published in scientific journals indicates that long-term cannabis use is more dangerous and harmful than previously assumed ( schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, brain QI lowering ... )

To the best of my knowledge, no similar experiment has been conducted in other countries in the world, thus Netherlands that has courageously pioneered the policy of tolerance should honestly admit that it has misfired.

Should Morocco be hoping that one day, Hashish will be worldwide legalized, it is mislead. Time come to decide on what is going on at the Northern regions.
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