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lemon verbena
29 July 2009 00:57
i was reading a book called : RHS(Royal Horticultural Society ) and was surprised to learn that our country of origin morocco is classified as number 1 ( countries of most variety of plants and trees in africa and all the medeterranian countries)
the main reason of reading this book is :

i was trying to find the exact name used in english to label a
herb which is very popular in morocco
after some research and getting lost between the websites and the book yorika i found it :
lemon verbena i went to the local garden centre and i bought few pots of this herb

Lemon verbena is used for the following
Aloysia triphylla benefits:

strengthening the nervous system
helps with digestion
easing colic
feverish cold
reducing fevers
relieving spasms of digestive track (colon)

here is a little test for you guys : could anyone of you guess the name of this herb in moroccan language , what we call lemon verbena in our darija smiling smiley????it s easy

here is a clue : very popular specially in winter months eye rolling smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2009 01:08 by printemps1.
29 July 2009 01:07
lemon verbena hiya louisa en darija et la verveine en francais.
i like it very much as it releives me a lot when i feel sick. by the way i would like to buy it but i couldn't find it in here sad smiley if anyone can help mesmiling smiley.
29 July 2009 01:14
ptdrwajdia, ptdrwell done

my mum said to me it s good for migraine but didn t know the name in english it took me few days to find it

i found it in the garden centre in the UK
i think you can buy it online from herbal suppliers but i think it s better consumed in a nice cup of tea from fresh leaves .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2009 01:16 by printemps1.
29 July 2009 01:25
i've tried it once from the arabic stores and it tastes terrible i think they mix it with some other herbs Ill i want the one grown in morocco.Angel.i guess my next visit inchaeallah i will bring it with me.
29 July 2009 16:40
girls can you tell me it s name in arabic
because i didnt much understoodperplexe
29 July 2009 17:44
louiza thats the name in moroccan
30 July 2009 11:00
ah ok thanx
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