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The Lesson from Turkey & Armenia
30 April 2009 17:25

Let’s hope politicians in Morocco and Algeria were following the news coming out of Ankara and Yerevan: Muslim Turkey and Christian Armenia have agreed to normalize their bilateral ties, putting decades of animosity behind them. It is a historical moment for both countries and a message to other nations involved in conflicts to overcome differences for the benefits of the advancement of their citizens. The significant of this event is magnified by the seriousness of the Armenian charge of “Genocide” against Turkey in the mass killings of thousands of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915. While Armenia and its neighbor Turkey were working out a “road map” to normalize their relationship, Algeria and its neighbor Morocco were locked, again, in a war of words over the Western Sahara conflict. The “newly elected” President Bouteflika of Algeria used his “inaugural Speech” to compare the Moroccan presence in the Western Sahara to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories belittling the Palestinian cause and showing a great intransigence toward the United Nations efforts to resolve the Sahara conflict. Such “Brezhnev era’s Soviet Union” like statements from the Algerian President reinforce the existence sentiment that the so-called western Sahara conflict is an Algerian-Moroccan dispute that can only be resolved in direct bi-lateral negotiation between Rabat and Algiers. Historically, Morocco under the late King Hassan II approached the conflict over the Sahara as an argument with the late Algerian President Boumedienne. However, as the disastrous Moroccan diplomacy of the seventies and eighties stumbled and the Algerian position in support of the Algeria created Polisario separatist movement gained momentum, Morocco was compelled to deal with the Polisario in equal terms as an adversary. Presently, this argument does not stand. Both Morocco and Algeria are going through different historical stages that are bound to affect their policies in dealing with the Sahara Conflict. Whereas the Moroccan diplomacy, with all its lapses, has joined the twenty first century, the Algerian Foreign Ministry is stuck in the twilight zone, and will stay that way for few years to come with the return of Bouteflika for a third term. On the issue of the Western Sahara, Morocco’s position has evolved with Rabat’s local autonomy for the population of the Sahara while Algeria’s stagnated. Accordingly, it is time to repaint this conflict with its true color: a border dispute between Morocco and Algeria. As long as the Western Sahara conflict is not framed as a grouping of the Moroccan-Algerian disputes over the Sahara, Tindouf and Beshar, all attempts by the United Nations to resolve the conflict will flounder. Actually, Algerian officials are first to admit that the bitter memory of the 1963 Sands War with Morocco is the driving force behind their government rigid anti-Morocco position disputing the legitimacy of Rabat presence in the Western Sahara. Consequently, resolving all and any leftover issues from this war hold the key to resolving the current crisis, as long as the resolution is through direct negotiations between the two Belligerents. The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) has been waist of money. Similarly, the missions of successive UN envoys to the region were complete failure as most of the UN diplomats persisted in including the Polisario movement as an independent entity outside the influence of Algerian Military influence. It is naïve and unrealistic to believe that the Polisario leadership make independent decisions without direction from Algiers. It is becoming ever evident that the only way to resolve this long simmering conflict is to remove the Polisario element out of the equation, demark the Moroccan Algerian borders once for all, and address Algeria’s geographical concerns in terms of access to the Atlantic Ocean. Rabat, unheeded, appeals to improve relations with Algiers are the first step to resolve all outstanding problems between the two countries. Algerians and Moroccans do not have to open borders but must settle the dispute over the Sahara and their borders as did Armenia and Turkey. With its obstinacy to address the underlining sources of its dispute with Morocco, the Algerian diplomacy will be eventually be tired by the international community as an out-of-date institution poorly adapted to the new realities in the region and overly influenced by bunch of political dinosaurs. King Mohamed VI has a vision for prosperous Morocco and Algeria where economy is more important than who controls which oasis in a desalt corner of the Sahara. With 35% unemployment, the Algerian government should be drafting plans to bring out their country out of the economical abyss instead of redirecting domestic opinion wrath against neighboring countries. The Armenian and Turkish leaders are visionaries who recognize the importance of prosperity ...
1 May 2009 00:18
if anything boutef will export to Moroocco it will be few terrorists ,
morocco is better off this way , he will benefit better if he get his human rights file in a good shape
be friend the spanish and why not one day apply to be a member of the EU geographically it s possible
1 May 2009 21:22
if anything boutef will export to Moroocco it will be few terrorists ,
morocco is better off this way , he will benefit better if he get his human rights file in a good shape
be friend the spanish and why not one day apply to be a member of the EU geographically it s possible
1. what are you gonna benefit from Spain or even Europe?
they have more to benefit from you than you from them. you can really bypass europe and do business with the americas (north & south), Asia, Africa, the Arab world, China, India...and still make money..
2. our culture is not european, why should we even ask for membership in the european union?
it doesn't make sense.
3. why should we be friends with spain while that country is still occupying Moroccan land?
you need to shill dude or take some pill before making such irresponsible statements.
spain was for 800 years Moroccan, it's for them to reconcile with us and not for us to look for their friendship to reconcile. They murdered, tortured, converted by force and deported our ancestors.
screw spain, they committed the 2nd biggest genocide in the history of humanity, the inquisition deported millions of muslims and jews before killing millions, millions of muslims and jews got killed or deported from their homeland, a land they knew for 800 years, for them it was the land of their ancesters.
so before you speak next time, check the facts.
Algeria is a mickey mouse problem compared to Spain, we share the same culture and the same religion and the same language and the same ethnicity and the many many more ands...
if we ever go to war, it's not gonna be against Algeria but against Spain and spain knows that pretty much.
i could go longer but it's the end of the story for now.
1 May 2009 21:55
if you lost a member of your family by a polisario or by an algerian soldier supporting those pirates you won t say such statment , it s a mickey mouse problem
what morocco will benefit from a country torn by terrorisme , racism, and ruled by a group of generals ?
what you say is not logical , why morocco have to jump Europe and try to avoid it and go make businesses with south and North america moody smiley
we should forget the blaming culture europe did that , they were colonials , all these complexities won t get morocco economy anywhere

priority need to be given to economy, a strong economy means better quality of life , more jobs and stability
i understand certains like to be linked to algeria despite all the problems there specially the moroccan amazigh but i think we need to give priority to our patriorisme first , to our country
algeria publically fund and train polisarion , alot of young moroccan youths are killed there
so minimizing the crimes committed by algerians it s an insult and a betrayal , there are hundreds of kidnapped moroccan hostages who are putting up with a lot of shit in the camps guarded by algerians for over 25 yrs so lets not lose touch with reality , it speaks for itself

think as moroccans winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2009 09:58 by whatsup.
1 May 2009 23:13
I've been to Algeria dude, Oran, Telimsan and Algiers, the capital, even in its tough bab louad.
Tawahed magalia Moro, from time to time you hear the word Maroki but never Moro.
very generous people, as generous as the people of casa, rabat, fes or Marrakesh.
i found it amusing when people told me stories about how it was once beautiful in Algeria when Moroccans lived there, they said they were hard working people who had baraka of the prophet..
Their favourite story is when Hassan2 said that Tindouf is Moroccan, Boumedienne responded that:
illa Hassan Tani ishrob atay fi tindouf ana ne3tih moustashi bhal shiba.
other than that, as people, they look like us, talk like us, act like us, think like us, pray like us, see the world like us. you talk to an Algerian and you wouldn't know if he's from fes (ou Tilemsan), oujda (ou oran), berkan (ou sidi belabess)...
it's a big mis-understanding between the adults of the two countries but their kids will fix that, because they won't believe in Algeria or Morocco or Tunisia, they will only believe in one country, the country of their ancestors.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2009 11:18 by FreeThinker.
1 May 2009 23:44
u didn t comment on the moroccan some of them amazigh who lost their lives by alger weapons and their toys polisario
it s all good being romantic and dream of this and that but the reality is :
algeria funding a bunch of theives to take a big piece of moroccan land
as a moroccan you need to be more loyal to your country and sympathize with young soldiers who died for your , my and all morocco dignity
you are talking about ethnicity , i am talking about country , you are more for division based on race and tribes , these sort of ideas will never work in morocco or else ,tutsi and hutu civil war won t happen in morocco , morocco been and allways be one country ,no difference between races we all blend in one nationality ,
check algerian newspaper , tv channels , visit wahrane and talk to the supporters of their generals
you will see the real algerian face winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2009 11:45 by whatsup.
2 May 2009 00:30
nobody is talking of any land cause all this land belongs to all IMAZIGHEN people aka MAGHREBINS.
we are all the same people, sooner or later we will become one country once again because we are the same people.
it's time to wake up, dreaming of 1001 nights is over.
time to wake up.
2 May 2009 15:53
nobody is talking of any land cause all this land belongs to all IMAZIGHEN people aka MAGHREBINS.
we are all the same people, sooner or later we will become one country once again because we are the same people.
it's time to wake up, dreaming of 1001 nights is over.
time to wake up.

yeah time to wake up and smell the coffee morocco does not belong to any tribe or ethnicity , it belong to moroccans
planting the seeds of hate and racial division means civil wars
for centuries different ethnics (black , amazigh, arab , sahrawian , berber of atlas , berber of rif ..........etc ) they all got mixed up , all moroccan families are a mixture of all these ethynicities and thts what make morocco a divert country , arab got married to amazigh , amazigh got married to sahraouia .................etc

everyone is free to be proud of his or her race or tribe as long as it doesn t touch the unity of the country
2 May 2009 18:37
nobody is talking of any land cause all this land belongs to all IMAZIGHEN people aka MAGHREBINS.
we are all the same people, sooner or later we will become one country once again because we are the same people.
it's time to wake up, dreaming of 1001 nights is over.
time to wake up.

yeah time to wake up and smell the coffee morocco does not belong to any tribe or ethnicity , it belong to moroccans
planting the seeds of hate and racial division means civil wars
for centuries different ethnics (black , amazigh, arab , sahrawian , berber of atlas , berber of rif ..........etc ) they all got mixed up , all moroccan families are a mixture of all these ethynicities and thts what make morocco a divert country , arab got married to amazigh , amazigh got married to sahraouia .................etc

everyone is free to be proud of his or her race or tribe as long as it doesn t touch the unity of the country
who the #$%^ is telling you what to believe.
all im telling you that genetically speaking your mom looked like one of the chiks in the video, my mom too.
race has nothing to do with it, in our DNA there are more black genes than Arab genes so shut ur c$%#&
2 May 2009 23:03
ptdru really hate the arabs , ptdri tell you what why don t we ask the governement to stamp all arabs on the the shoulder and get those skillfull atlas amazigh to build few little boats and lets just drown them in the pacific , once we do that we can import all other amazigh race from lybia , tunisia , algeria and if we need more people let s get more black people from south africa this way , you can build your dream land tamazgha
empty vessels make most noises

you free beleive what you like but one thing is guarantee any racist sick plans to divide moroccans based on ethnicity is not welcomed

better to buy an ireland somewhere else a part from north africa grinning smiley

whats up a true moroccan and a true amazigh evil
2 May 2009 23:48
ptdru really hate the arabs , ptdri tell you what why don t we ask the governement to stamp all arabs on the the shoulder and get those skillfull atlas amazigh to build few little boats and lets just drown them in the pacific , once we do that we can import all other amazigh race from lybia , tunisia , algeria and if we need more people let s get more black people from south africa this way , you can build your dream land tamazgha
empty vessels make most noises

you free beleive what you like but one thing is guarantee any racist sick plans to divide moroccans based on ethnicity is not welcomed

better to buy an ireland somewhere else a part from north africa grinning smiley

whats up a true moroccan and a true amazigh evil
dude, im not the midget you picked on, i can have your lunch for breakfast so let it go..
let it fly like saying goodbye
2 May 2009 23:56
ptdri Barbeque racists for my breakfast , lunchtime normally i don t eat anything , too busy digging few graves to barry their bones

matdir ydik fghirane maya3douke 7noucha

whats up
proud to be moroccan amazighgrinning smiley
3 May 2009 00:05
im raciste?
what have you been sucking on?
lolly pop?
3 May 2009 00:09
im a free thinker you little childish boy full of pseudo testosterone coming out of steroids for all i care.
tu comprends ce que veut dire un libre penseur ya himar?
3 May 2009 00:17
t'as gagne whatsup, congrats.
et parceque je suis fier d'etre Amazigh, ca veut pas dire que j'admire pas la culture Arabe.
j'apprecie tout ce qui est culture de mes ancestres.
3 May 2009 00:24
ptdrgood that you learning something
i am an amazigh and proud of my roots but ashamed when i see little hitlers like you marketing for division based on ethnicity and trying to portray themselvers as wisemen

good boy remember the lesson hope it was very beneficial and instructifsmiling smiley
3 May 2009 00:28
i just learned that i also admire the arabic culture because of you whatsup.
thanx a lot dude, u are awesome.
3 May 2009 00:37
ptdrby the way i am amazigh an atlas lion , not a racist mouse like you ptdrfreewoodmouse
3 May 2009 01:14
how about giving a kiss to ur mom whatsup?
our mothers are everything.
He who thinks that his mother is not Amazigh is not Moroccan.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2009 01:15 by FreeThinker.
3 May 2009 12:08
you see you managed to work it out winking smileythe key word is AMAZIGH MOROCCAN not just amazigh
of course mothers are everything who will argue about that ?, the moroccan woman (sahraouia, amazighia , arabia , rifia , atlasia
even mixed race moroccan european) they all deserve a lot of respect and rights they represent half of the society and the moroccan woman regardless the ethnicity always been a tough , hard working , strong woman Danse
3 May 2009 12:26
i don't know if i should spank you or give you a kiss, but with that ugly mouth of yours you would need at least to put some lipstick on.
who cares if the mother comes from Norway, don't you consider the mother of your dad as your mother?
3 May 2009 12:30
ptdri guess you still dreaming like your other dreams grinning smileygo stick your head in freezer moody smiley
i don t like having a converstaion with stoned half asleep dreamers

here is planet earth any aliens out there smiling smiley
3 May 2009 12:36
ptdri guess you still dreaming like your other dreams grinning smileygo stick your head in freezer moody smiley
i don t like having a converstaion with stoned half asleep dreamers

here is planet earth any aliens out there smiling smiley
it's the dreamers who built civilisation my son, not followers.
never forget that.
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