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55 PMs Letter to the Guardian
26 July 2006 13:35
As MPs, we condemn both the Hizbullah rocket attacks which had killed 17 civilians in Israel by July 25 and the disproportionate Israeli military strikes which in the last few weeks have killed over 370 civilians and displaced at least 500,000 in Lebanon, and killed over 100 in Gaza.
Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority all have the right to defend their lawful territories and to protect their peoples from attack. Rocket attacks by militias on Israeli towns do not protect the people of Palestine or Lebanon. Likewise the people of Israel are not protected by military might which targets homes, bridges and roads in Lebanon, cuts electricity and water supplies to the majority of homes in Gaza, including refugee camps, and which has done far more damage to Lebanon's democratically elected government than it has to Hizbullah. Such actions are unacceptable, immoral and illegal.

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