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17 May 2007 13:38
20 May 2007 04:47

I would bet that a lot of people used this service
but none of them is able to give credit.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
20 May 2007 12:15
Pfff just like any other Moroccan TV (we've got 3 other or 4), full of bullshit and crap and shoe-polishing the dirty country where some families still live in toilets !! (oh yeah the johns ! ) and if you don't believe me call someone living in Morocco and he'd tell you the whole story of this family of 4 (parents and two kids) in Sala who lives in public toilets for years and the scandal started when "al Masa'a newspaper" published the story on the first page, then Aljazeera showed the same story and everything went upside-down at Al dakhiliyya backstages because of the ID card of the couple where the address mentioned : public toilets de sidi ..., Salé !! thanks Allah one Qatari Mo7sin took care of the situation and decided to get'em a new house ......who's to blame ? studio 2M? wrinkly RTM ? the parliament? the govt ? Ameer al Mo'mineen? all of those mentioned? do you wanna know about the others who were found living in CAVES near Warzazat ? sure i'm Moroccan but sometimes i ain't proud of it !
20 May 2007 17:53
sorry but your link doesnt work
20 May 2007 21:58
go to this link
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