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26 June 2009 17:30
hi there
do you believe in lmektab?perplexe
26 June 2009 19:58
Salam Salma
do u mean ALMAKTOUB?
if so, yes I believe in it (I think every muslim does)Welcome
27 June 2009 13:28
ok that s fineBye
27 June 2009 14:53
Salams again
but Allah dit : la tolqo beanfosikom ela attehloka!!No no
27 June 2009 22:39
yes there is lmektabe but we play a big role in shaping our own life, we shoulodn t just say it lmektabe and not move and accept situations , i always beleive whoever works hard and plan his future and set himself or herself a goal and work towards it one day the dreams come true
i can t stand people who don t do nothing , dont move spend the whole day sleeping and they say it s lmektab we are poor or unemployed , fel7araka baraka smiling smileyor people who smoke their whole life and when they get cancer they are surprised and they say it s lmektoube , in a way there is destiny but we play a big role in causing a series of events which change our lives .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2009 10:41 by whatsup.
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