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look at this site
21 November 2005 12:14
21 November 2005 12:15
it i a dutch site where they give free gifts, all you have to do is register!!
21 November 2005 12:39

thanks never say never for this site

But how can we handle, if we don't speak dutch??

mayebe we don't need to speak dutch to win all free gifts..

21 November 2005 15:48
Yes, we need to speak dutch even to register...I tried and I cant get past "email " sad smiley
22 November 2005 15:14
don't do it!! don't register!!! u have to buy something first, then u have to wait for yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaars till many people register.. cuz they will add u to a list, u will be the last one.. there are many peoples before you.. they are waiting for their turn so they will get something.. If somebody register the first one in the list will get something, and when somebody register again the second one in the list will get a gift..

but u can only add urself to that list if u buy something, so when u register they will send an Antenne Booster for ur phone.. and u can't send it back, u must pay!!! it's €19,95 euro..

believe me or not, but they are flasherssssss... it's up to you! do u want to buy an Antenne Booster, do it.. if not.. don't..
22 November 2005 22:51
Thanks for the warning, as a matter of fact I do NOT need an antenna booster..
23 November 2005 11:13
O, Thank you, I almost did it myself!
I do not speak dutch!
I'm from England!
23 November 2005 11:16
I think I know now!

That antenne booster is very expensive, 20 euro's!
Normally it kosts 3 to 5 euro's!!


23 November 2005 12:16
they send it international so where ever you are.. they will send it to you and u have to pay or it will get more like €179,- euro..

You're welcome!!!

If u have questions about something in DUTCH u always can ask me!

Bye all! smiling smiley
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