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looking for a job in UK or USA!!!
19 April 2006 13:58
Hello everybody!!!

I am morrocan living in paris and looking for information about how to immigrate to UK ou USA for work.

Especialy, i am searching information about:

1- How to get the permit of work(kinds of permits...)

2- How to find the job there!!!

3- The time average to find the job for a financial computer engineer(master degrees).

4- the level of english required

Thanks in advance!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2006 01:59 by tafilalt.
19 April 2006 15:09
go back to morocco,they need such people like you..with a high degree..succes brother
19 April 2006 15:40

There is a very lean law that has been introduced couple of years ago about the highly skilled migrants In the United Kingdom, But still, they require few other things. As an Qualified engineer you are surely welcome. for a Work permit you must provide further requirements such as Payslips of similar job (IT) in france, Bank statement, and also letter of employer that had or has been employing for the last 12 months. they also see age as a very important element as they give point to every single 'must', once you exceed the 60 points then you are being accepted.
For more information about highly skilled migrants, go on and Select the option 'I want to work in the UK' or 'Highly Skilled migrants'
All the best of luck!
19 April 2006 16:38
if you have some money , try to get some extra courses in college , and you can find a good job , and if you good , the company you are working with , will sponsor you and you can stay in the states like a lot of hindous and pakistanis that are brilliant in what they are doing .

Good luck pal .
19 April 2006 23:09
if you have some money , try to get some extra courses in college , and you can find a good job , and if you good , the company you are working with , will sponsor you and you can stay in the states like a lot of """"hindous""" and pakistanis that are brilliant in what they are doing .

Good luck pal .

sorry bro but its not hindous but indians not all indians are hindous hindouism is a religion not a nationality.
My husband is indian but not hindou he's muslim .I just wanted to explain that because a lot of people dont know the difference between indian and hindou!
19 April 2006 23:13
i didnt wanna confuse him the indians of america like geronimo . remember the apaches ? Angel

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2006 11:14 by Obs2006.
19 April 2006 23:17
well you can just say indian.cuz for the native americains they call them Red indians. I'm just saying that because I have a lot of indian muslim friends and they really wont like it if somebody call them hindou it just like saying hey are not muslim! you see what I mean? just like saying to a muslim moroccan guy that he's jew! eye popping smiley
do you see what i mean?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2006 11:19 by Ex-missdoll.
20 April 2006 01:51
well for me a moroccan jew is still morocan , and he is my country man ,actually i m doing business with a nice morocan jew who lives in nyc , wonderful guy and he loves his country morocco like any morocan patriot .

makataaref elkhir mine kaye ji hade zmane .
20 April 2006 02:00
well for me a moroccan jew is still morocan , and he is my country man ,actually i m doing business with a nice morocan jew who lives in nyc , wonderful guy and he loves his country morocco like any morocan patriot .

makataaref elkhir mine kaye ji hade zmane .

listen bro I have nothing against jew I didnt even say anything about them i just said : that a moroccan MUSLIM doesnt like to be called jew!!!!! i said muslim moroccan I didnt say anything bad about jew if you read what I've written!.
20 April 2006 02:35
i still believe ..we are all human being ....we should change for the better . Just imagine we are all brothers and sisters in this planet no matter what are your believes , life will be much easier for everyone .
one more thing ..i prefer the word brother than the word bro smiling smiley
Have a good evening .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2006 02:47 by Obs2006.
20 April 2006 02:48
Just imagine we are all brothers and sisters in this planet......who kill their brothers in palestine and kill their other brothers and sisters in iraq and have disrimination for their brothers and sisters in France and and and and ....
as you said just IMAGINE!
but anyway you didnt get my point I just wanted to explain that indian is not hindou thats it!
20 April 2006 03:07
any kind of extremism is bad ...if we remove the extreme sionist and the etremists muslim , middle east will see the end of the tunnel ..that was my point , beacause you said morocan muslim don t like to be called jew and i am sure the extrem sionist does the same , but we have to be more smart than that and go forward toward peace .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2006 03:08 by Obs2006.
20 April 2006 16:03
Well that's another issue that I dont wanna talk about!If I start telling you the number of injustice I've seen in morocco that jew made to my neighbours and I can tell you that was not extreme sionist I spent my whole life in a jewish neighborhood all of my neighbors were jew so I perfectly know what I'm talking about!We are not not leaving in a bubble neither in our own little world!thats the real world and you may have a nice jew friend but that doesnt mean that all of them are like him
I was just explaining the difference between hindou and indian and you made a whole and big story!! I dont know why you had to go off-board.
You dont know me so dont juge ."Sir A lihoudi" thats what I meant by moroccans muslim dont like to be called jew if you know morocco you'll know that when somenone say that to someone else thats an insult I didnt say anything about my believes neither about my opinion !Lwa7ed di dik men haba 9aba. you could have just admit that you were wrong about hindou thats it !
And please I'm not extremist I"m just realist!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2006 04:05 by Ex-missdoll.
20 April 2006 16:24
Kalmosss ya bachar!!!!!!!
20 April 2006 16:49
Kalmosss ya bachar!!!!!!!
I'm kalmoss a khouya hihihi grinning smiley
20 April 2006 17:19
Nice ex-missdoll!!! hope that you pass a good time with muslims indians people!!!

Where are you from in the usa?? Is there some works in your state?

Kalmosss ya bachar!!!!!!!
I'm kalmoss a khouya hihihi grinning smiley
20 April 2006 17:55
Salaam Well yeah I'm having a pretty good time!
I'm from Northern Kentucky 3 or 4 miles from Ohio State in Greater Cincinnati.Well for the jobs I'll ask my husband about it and I'll let you know cuz I'm still in college I didnt start working yet.
My husband had almost the same case I mean he did his bachelor in India then came here and did master and Phd(doctorat) and its quiet easy to change the statut from F1 visa(student visa) to H1 visa(work visa) once you find a job you get the H1 visa then once you get H1 you can apply for the green card.
Did you think about doing master here?oh sorry I've seen that you already did the master degree .Well I'll check and let you know all right bro?
20 April 2006 23:20
Hello !

Please respond to the initial question and don't talk about another things.

Marocainement vôtreLe modérateur [url][/url]
21 April 2006 17:27
Its amazing how easily people get sidetracked, but I'm happy Tafilalt finally got a helpful answer smiling smiley
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