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Looking for a placement in an English-speaking country (or the Netherlands)
29 May 2009 20:38
Salam smiling smiley

I'm looking for a placement in an English-speaking country, as for example : UK, Eire, Canada or even

the Netherlands.

I study International Trade, so i'd like to found a company which exports or has an international

departement. The most interesting for me, would be a company which has a certain importance on the local

or international market, but it's not compulsory.

The training period of 4 months will take place between April and August 2010. So, if you know some

people or adresses to help me, i would be gratefull! Sorry for my approximate English grinning smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2009 08:41 by berkania-oujdia.
[b]Ana wana hay delali...[/b]
30 May 2009 10:31
hi there
if you want to come to the uk you re the most welcome
if you search via the yellow pages i m sure you ll find what you re looking for
good luckthumbs up
30 May 2009 13:22
hi there
if you want to come to the uk you re the most welcome
if you search via the yellow pages i m sure you ll find what you re looking for
good luckthumbs up

Thank you salma for you answer.
I'm going to search on the yellow pages or even kompass, but I thought it was maybe easier to find someone to help me there. smiling smiley
yawning smiley
[b]Ana wana hay delali...[/b]
30 May 2009 16:40
i guess you are looking for a sponsor?a company which can sponsor you and offer you a temporary job for training
what is your nationalty ?this is a very important question
if you are non EU national it will be difficult as UK introduced lately the point system which closed the door on a big category of immigrants
if you are european (french for exemple) it will be easy you can register with job agencies just type job agencies in uk and you will get a list of them , email them your CV and explain what are you looking for (temporary work with the precise date you will be available to start ) make sure you mention your nationality unfortunately as soon as they see non european it means immigration and work permit etc

the job agency will look for a suitable vacancy for you if you are european , if you are looking just temporary job there will be no interview , but if you looking for permanent job the company will ask for an interview which means you have to fly to uk do the interview return and wait for the outcome
30 May 2009 22:13
i guess you are looking for a sponsor?a company which can sponsor you and offer you a temporary job for training
what is your nationalty ?this is a very important question
if you are non EU national it will be difficult as UK introduced lately the point system which closed the door on a big category of immigrants
if you are european (french for exemple) it will be easy you can register with job agencies just type job agencies in uk and you will get a list of them , email them your CV and explain what are you looking for (temporary work with the precise date you will be available to start ) make sure you mention your nationality unfortunately as soon as they see non european it means immigration and work permit etc

the job agency will look for a suitable vacancy for you if you are european , if you are looking just temporary job there will be no interview , but if you looking for permanent job the company will ask for an interview which means you have to fly to uk do the interview return and wait for the outcome

Thanks for your answer.
I'm French, so I guess it will be easier for me. The didn't think about that way of finding a company through an agency, but the problem is that in this kind of training period, both the company and my university have to establish a contract. So I don't know if it's possible when you look for a temporary job via an agency, but I'm going to enquire about it...
Thank you again for your help smiling smiley Barakallah ofik
[b]Ana wana hay delali...[/b]
1 June 2009 10:16
you re welcome
and good luckthumbs up
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