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love from the first sight
19 May 2009 17:50
love is a very big word
it s got a lot of different meaningsIn love
but do we the new generation still believe in it?perplexe
19 May 2009 21:08
love is a very big word
it s got a lot of different meaningsIn love
but do we the new generation still believe in it?perplexe
Salma, the secret to Love ar two things, they're like a password you need that password to connect otherwise you never ever connect even if you try 2000 times.
That password is made of two words.
the eyes and the heart.
these two never lie.
when you look at the eyes you know if it's love or not cause eyes never lie.
and when your heart start going boom boom boom..thats love.
19 May 2009 21:54
i agree with free thinka grinning smileybut he forgot to mention the stomach you get butterflies ptdr
nowadays generaition is more driven by money fast cars true love is very rare only a minority the lucky ones meet their soulmates the majority find love but not necessary find the soulmateWelcome

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2009 10:01 by whatsup.
20 May 2009 00:11
i agree with free thinka grinning smileybut he forgot to mention the stomach you get butterflies ptdr
nowadays generaition is more driven by money fast cars true love is very rare only a minority the lucky ones meet their soulmates the majority find love but not necessary find the soulmateWelcome
sorry, i forgot the stomach, when it starts aching that's the real love.
other than that, it's all bull shit.
wam bam thank you mam..
that's not Love.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2009 12:14 by FreeThinker.
20 May 2009 12:20
hi there
i agree with whatsup
love is rear in these daysperplexe
it s all about the money
materialismthumbs down
20 May 2009 13:41
hi there
i agree with whatsup
love is rear in these daysperplexe
it s all about the money
materialismthumbs down
you women we will never ever understand you, the only reason we love you is because we have to keep our culture going otherwise we would all turn gay homosexuals like the anciant greeks.
we can't live with you and we can't live without you.
what i find amusing is the fact that you said quote i agree with you whatsup end quote while whatsup already said quote i agree with you FreeThinker end quote.
why quote him while im the one who did all the talking?
not fair..
he's not better looking then me or smarter than me or braver than me...
now i will have to fight whatsup to get your attention.
no problem, take your guns out, your sword and your horse whatsup, it's war.
we gonna see who's gonna win her love, but one of us must die.
20 May 2009 14:05
free thinka you been quiet rude to our sister and friend here salma before so i think you owe her an appology
amazighen treat women with a lot of respect and equality , the woman stand shoulder to shoulder with men so make me proud and appologize
i don t want to kill you free thinka if i kill you i won t find nobody to argue with ,the forum will be boring we do desagree about a lot of things but in a away we let the steem out and no bad feelings
but if you get your sword out i will adopt other methods like pretending it s peace then invite you for an amzighen cup of tea with naa3naa3 but i will add to it some poisonous wild herbs which grow in atlas rocks and let you die slowly ptdrwhile i am warming the bendir fou9 mojmorptdr
20 May 2009 14:23
free thinka you been quiet rude to our sister and friend here salma before so i think you owe her an appology
amazighen treat women with a lot of respect and equality , the woman stand shoulder to shoulder with men so make me proud and appologize
i don t want to kill you free thinka if i kill you i won t find nobody to argue with ,the forum will be boring we do desagree about a lot of things but in a away we let the steem out and no bad feelings
but if you get your sword out i will adopt other methods like pretending it s peace then invite you for an amzighen cup of tea with naa3naa3 but i will add to it some poisonous wild herbs which grow in atlas rocks and let you die slowly ptdrwhile i am warming the bendir fou9 mojmorptdr
Lmoshkila daba hia wahed fina khassou imout 3la 9bol salma ou7na bjouj imazighen, demna skhoun.
Lets make a deal.
we negotiate over a cup of tea but without chiba, i hate chiba, just ne3na3.
and don't sneak on me and put some poison in my cup to win her love, that wouldn't be Amazigh pride, we fight like men.
by the way, i don't like too much sugar in my tea, walakine khasso ikoun msha7er..
ok, is it a deal, let's negotiate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2009 02:26 by FreeThinker.
20 May 2009 14:49
hi there
what can i say Heu
both of you are crazy really
and what you dont know about me is (khtkoum raha asslha chelha mn boufekrane)Clap
ana imazighen bhalkoum
and another thing even if i live in england and i ve got a british nationality
i ll never forget my rootsNo no
and i wouldnt accept that you two fight over a woman
that s not fair
we re all here brothers and sisters
we ve just got different points of views that s all
so let s all forget this misunderstanding ok
and start all over againwinking smiley
20 May 2009 14:55
ptdrin this case let s form an amazighen army and invade the world free think is the gladiator smiling smiley

you see free think you been rude to our sister amazighen how could you live with yourself ,you have nothing left now you ve disgraced us you must die i advise you to go climb
the atlas mountain and throw yourself from there
by the way i am from a tribe called ait sghrochen, maaroufine b ahidous a tribe which fought against moulay ismail in the Meknes area, have family in the atlas area, ifrane , imozzare ........etc
free think nta mnine tatdirlina ghir sd3a sad smiley
20 May 2009 15:00
thanx mate
are you from meknes?
because i was born there as wellgrinning smiley
20 May 2009 15:16
ptdrin this case let s form an amazighen army and invade the world free think is the gladiator smiling smiley

you see free think you been rude to our sister amazighen how could you live with yourself ,you have nothing left now you ve disgraced us you must die i advise you to go climb
the atlas mountain and throw yourself from there
by the way i am from a tribe called ait sghrochen, maaroufine b ahidous a tribe which fought against moulay ismail in the Meknes area, have family in the atlas area, ifrane , imozzare ........etc
free think nta mnine tatdirlina ghir sd3a sad smiley
wa nari, hamdoullah mashi kolshi lmgharba bhali, wa nari kon guera naida contre l'Espagne recuperer l'Andalous et au meme temps guerra naida ded l'Algerie oul guerra naida ded Mauritania ou Senegal tahia.
wa hemdou allah oushkrouh M6 est un homme de raison, ana matenfhemsh la logic oula la raison meni tijebdou lia jdoudi..
daba sem7ou lia, khasni nshrob ma skhoun 7ami bash nbered ghdaiadi
20 May 2009 15:59
yes iam meknasi but i do pronounce the :CH
tea with chiba : i can say it unlike mkansa they say siba, sun=semse, chomicha= somisa ptdr

free think chrebti lma 7ami? red alkia lakhbare wach mazale 7eyptdr
20 May 2009 17:28
hi there
i think he s still alive dont worry about him
he ll make itptdr
20 May 2009 18:01
chettou gaa mared alina lakhbare ta3tel andak ykoune 9tel rasou bsa7

ban alik al amane HeuHeu
20 May 2009 18:17
maybe he s buisy
or he s gone out
he ll be backwhistling smiley
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