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MagicJack stops working in Morocco???
5 January 2010 02:55
Since last week my parent could not use the MagicJack anymore. They tried it in another computer and still not working.
I talked to the customer service and they said that it was stopped by The Moroccan Telecommunication Authority!!!!!
Is anyone here use the MagicJack??? is it still working in Morocco???
:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
5 January 2010 15:44
We are having the same issue, I contacted the customer service and I was told the same thing but another friend said that their magicjack is still working, I dunno what s going onsad smiley I am thinking it was blocked.
5 January 2010 17:24
It was block for many reasons, I won't say much (I'm not allowed to), but part of the problem is that the ToS of MagicJack invades customers' privacy (through abuse of data-mining). Like I said, that's just one of a fairly long list of reasons (some of those have also been abused by telecom companies to block traffic of some widely used VoIP solutions).

On a side note, there are various ways to circumvent this and thus still use MagicJack despite it being blocked. How to do so? I'm not allowed to say anything about it, but google around, it should be easy to dig up all you need to DIY.
5 January 2010 19:10
If you are: NOTE ALLOWED TO why you bother your self and reply to this post smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
are you working with IAM or some freaking Mokaddem smiling smiley smiling smiley

The reason is evident for everybody: Morocco is the no law country, where a private company can influence can do whatever they want.

They did the same thing last month with KLEEMA/wanna

It's not a big deal, they still can use Skype and pay for it and not pay this band of f* terrorist.
:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
5 January 2010 19:19
chaïba kadim
If you are: NOTE ALLOWED TO why you bother your self and reply to this post smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
are you working with IAM or some freaking Mokaddem smiling smiley smiling smiley

My post served one purpose: Confirm that MagicJack indeed has been blocked (for valid reasons), and to also point out that there are workarounds (illegal may I add) that you can do to get it working nevertheless.

But you obviously oversaw that and started cursing. Grow a spine up smiling smiley
6 January 2010 03:51
Hello Sudo,
Since u mentioned TOS, do u think they are blocking a particular Mac address from accessing ports 5060 and 5070 or they shutting the 2 ports from the main interface? The reason I m asking is that some people still using it.
Thank u Mr DST LOL.
6 January 2010 06:20
chaïba kadim
If you are: NOTE ALLOWED TO why you bother your self and reply to this post smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley
are you working with IAM or some freaking Mokaddem smiling smiley smiling smiley

My post served one purpose: Confirm that MagicJack indeed has been blocked (for valid reasons), and to also point out that there are workarounds (illegal may I add) that you can do to get it working nevertheless.

But you obviously oversaw that and started cursing. Grow a spine up smiling smiley

Illegal Workaround ? I dont this so.

when you say illegal, which judicial authority you are referring to ?

if in America contact

if in morocco, it is not illegal to use such services simply because they are not yet regulated.

by the way a TOS is not a legal statute and circumventing a TOS can get you a disconnection at most.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
6 January 2010 13:41
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6 January 2010 13:46
Hello Sudo,
Since u mentioned TOS, do u think they are blocking a particular Mac address from accessing ports 5060 and 5070 or they shutting the 2 ports from the main interface? The reason I m asking is that some people still using it.
Thank u Mr DST LOL.

Hello, let me clarify a couple points:

1. I said MJ (MajicJack) has been blocked for MANY reasons, the ToS of MJ is merely one of those MANY reasons. Here's a snip from MJ's ToS:

You also understand and agree that use of the magicJack device and Software will include advertisements and that these advertisements are necessary for the magicJack device to work ... Our computers may analyze the phone numbers you call in order to improve the relevance of the ads
It's clear that MJ is abusing data-mining to evade users' privacy. The EULA of MJ also states that users MUST resolve all legal issues with their ISP, which is not the case over here in Morocco especially.

2. They are not blocking any MAC (not Mac) addresses, I don't know where you got that idea from, but technically it's absurd to say the least. They are ACTUALLY blocking all outbound UDP traffic from those specific ports.

3. The people you mentioned who still have it working despite the above, are using a workaround (easy workarounds, but illegal and I will elaborate on this below).

4. I'm not Mr DST. I hope that was your way of being funny, else I'll have to ask you not to call me so again. Thank you.


Illegal Workaround ? I dont this so.

when you say illegal, which judicial authority you are referring to ?

if in America contact

if in morocco, it is not illegal to use such services simply because they are not yet regulated.

by the way a TOS is not a legal statute and circumventing a TOS can get you a disconnection at most.

Hello as well,

1. In America, the EULA states users MUST resolve all legal issues with their ISP before using the product.

2. I never said it was illegal to use any VoIP solution (please do not put words in my mouth), I said the workarounds involved in circumventing the blocking ARE illegal. And this brings up the main point: The workarounds. And so help me God, this is going to be a long post and I don't have much time:

One of the most widely used workarounds to circumvent any internet censorship (the blocking of VoIP solutions, specific IPs/range of IPs, other software-specific traffic *cough* Google earth *cough*... etc), is a VPN solution, or simply a FREE VPN service. By using a VPN service, the entire traffic (both inbound and outboud, between your box and the remote IP) is virtually a chunk of huge encrypted traffic which the ISP can not filter out at all, they can not even analyze it (in case of a serious alert) unless special equipment/manpower is brought in place (which is not, trust me). I won't go to much detail on this because I have a busy schedule right not, but will do if anyone later asks.

The point is, there are two problems with this workaround, one illegal, and the other one that is technically a burden for the ISP, thus why they blocked the thing in the first place:

1. The illegal part is using a VPN service without prior consent from your ISP (please read the ToS on your contracts). Using a VPN service requires approval from your ISP.

2. The other part of the problem is this: All Moroccan ISP's do NOT have a powerful infrastructure to handle the huge chunk of traffic generated by VoIP soltions, it is too much to handle with the current setup they have. If a certain amount of traffic is exceeded, it's kaput their services will go down (which already happens frequently with fairly not too much traffic tbh). And the biggest problem here is, using a VPN service makes even things worse, because using a VPN service adds another huge chunk of traffic, which makes everything messed up, thus the need for a prior approval from your ISP to use a VPN service.

As for the other part of your argument about the ToS not having a legal status, I really can't argue on this as I'm not a lawyer, what I know is by doing so, you breach the terms of your contract and could either be disconnected or legally get in trouble in some extreme cases. Again, take my argument on this point with a pinch of salt as I'm not an expert in legal issues.
6 January 2010 17:36
Hi all,

Speaking of alternatives, has anybody ever tried Vopium ? I've actually found it googling Magic Jack since I couldn't understand what you were talking about here.
Vopium seems attractive for mobile users, the wifi to wifi free calls sounds even better. Anyone knows about this ?
6 January 2010 19:40
This getting very technical for a common user as me. All I want is that my mom can call when ever she wants to and where ever I was smiling smiley

All I know, is that in Morocco they can do what ever they want. As I mentioned before. Wanna did the same thing last month. is a French company that provides very affordable calls to Morocco via Wanna GSM. For while the price was around 7euro for a week for unlimited calls. Without any notice Wanna shutdown the service, and when they restored it, it was for 89 euro a week!!!!!

Speaking of privacy, I don't see where is the problem if you agree for it the first time you use it! It's funny but most of advertising in the Internet is based in the same thing and they don't ask for your permission!!

The only reason for me is that there is no customer association or entity that can defend us, and we have to face the monopoly.
:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
6 January 2010 22:17
1. Mac or MAC , SUDO or Runas you know exactly what I meant.
2. UPS and other firms are using the same UDP ports for VoIP
3. I know for fact Vonage and Magicjack are still working without a workaround and people I know are not using any illegal workaounds.
4. “technically it's absurd” I am not even going to start a conversation with you about that.
5. Sorry if u got offended by my joke
6. If u aren t allowed to discuss any thing, you shouldn't be participating in this subject.
Thanks but no thanks
6 January 2010 22:27
I know Chaiba, really like u said we just wanna call our parents and it seems like every thing is a hussle.
7 January 2010 00:22
1. Mac or MAC , SUDO or Runas you know exactly what I meant.
2. UPS and other firms are using the same UDP ports for VoIP
3. I know for fact Vonage and Magicjack are still working without a workaround and people I know are not using any illegal workaounds.
4. “technically it's absurd” I am not even going to start a conversation with you about that.
5. Sorry if u got offended by my joke
6. If u aren t allowed to discuss any thing, you shouldn't be participating in this subject.
Thanks but no thanks

1. You asked me a technical question, I replied stating the technical information in your question doesn't hold up. My point was: do not get technical and mess everything up. I wasn't belittling you in any way, I was being as polite as possible.

2. Again, incorrect technical information. See my point ?

3. Very possible, I could go into technical details here as well, if necessary.

4. Better not to.

5. If it was a joke, I get it *now*, no worries.

6. The OP asked if MJ was blocked, I confirmed it was. That's what got me into this conversation. I usually don't get involved in discussions over here precisely because of the immature attitude of some people, like the one you are sadly manifesting right now.
7 January 2010 02:43
Calm down people.
Lets return to our subject. How can some people affirm that it's still working?
If making it work is "Illegal" so I like "ILLEGAL" stuff, show me how to do it smiling smiley
:: chaïba sawfa ya3oud ::
7 January 2010 14:30
lol this dude ghir bouhdo kaytra3ad I guess he got some issues and i am done talking to u Mr mature!!!
The people I mentioned Chaiba are not doing any thing illegal and it s still working for them, the illegal stuff is a little bit complicated to set up if you don t know much about VPN and... but Chaiba there are other options to use VOIP and talk to ur mum but I dunno how good they areif the connection is going to be like MJ or not.
7 January 2010 15:24
don't they ssl their voip ?

PS: I dont have a MJ but am interested in this little piece of hardware
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
7 January 2010 18:38
It was block for many reasons, I won't say much (I'm not allowed to), but part of the problem is that the ToS of MagicJack invades customers' privacy (through abuse of data-mining). Like I said, that's just one of a fairly long list of reasons (some of those have also been abused by telecom companies to block traffic of some widely used VoIP solutions).

On a side note, there are various ways to circumvent this and thus still use MagicJack despite it being blocked. How to do so? I'm not allowed to say anything about it, but google around, it should be easy to dig up all you need to DIY.

are you implying that Maroc telecome blocked the use of MJ because they are concerned about Morrocan's (our) privacy ? if that's the case then this is probably the most useless excuse that they can come up with, actually, this is so pathetic that it is funny.
Maroc telecome have been sucking the blood out of Moroccan households for many decades, making them pay for what they don't use and providing an under developed service to most of the nation including large conglomerates...

Maroc Tel should be concerned about many things, from providing their customers with the consistent service that they are already paying for ! to the 20 years old equipment that they need to upgrade... and the least of their concerns should be Moroccan's privacy being breached by a US incorporated company.
7 January 2010 21:19
are you implying that Maroc telecome blocked the use of MJ because they are concerned about Morrocan's (our) privacy ? if that's the case then this is probably the most useless excuse that they can come up with, actually, this is so pathetic that it is funny.
Maroc telecome have been sucking the blood out of Moroccan households for many decades, making them pay for what they don't use and providing an under developed service to most of the nation including large conglomerates...

Maroc Tel should be concerned about many things, from providing their customers with the consistent service that they are already paying for ! to the 20 years old equipment that they need to upgrade... and the least of their concerns should be Moroccan's privacy being breached by a US incorporated company.

I'm not implying anything, you assumed I was making that point. I also didn't mention any specific telecom company in any of my posts, you also assumed I was singling out Maroc Telecom.

Here's what I said:
that's just one of a fairly long list of reasons (some of those have also been abused by telecom companies to block traffic of some widely used VoIP solutions).

The word "abuse" explains very much my point. No Moroccan telecom company (or any other company for that matter) is concerned about the privacy of their customers, they are concerned about making big bucks.

Your post, despite it being based on false assumptions, has some very good points I agree with, which btw I pointed out in my posts earlier (the old infrastructure especially).
7 January 2010 22:38
are you implying that Maroc telecome blocked the use of MJ because they are concerned about Morrocan's (our) privacy ? if that's the case then this is probably the most useless excuse that they can come up with, actually, this is so pathetic that it is funny.
Maroc telecome have been sucking the blood out of Moroccan households for many decades, making them pay for what they don't use and providing an under developed service to most of the nation including large conglomerates...

Maroc Tel should be concerned about many things, from providing their customers with the consistent service that they are already paying for ! to the 20 years old equipment that they need to upgrade... and the least of their concerns should be Moroccan's privacy being breached by a US incorporated company.

I'm not implying anything, you assumed I was making that point. I also didn't mention any specific telecom company in any of my posts, you also assumed I was singling out Maroc Telecom.

Here's what I said:
that's just one of a fairly long list of reasons (some of those have also been abused by telecom companies to block traffic of some widely used VoIP solutions).

The word "abuse" explains very much my point. No Moroccan telecom company (or any other company for that matter) is concerned about the privacy of their customers, they are concerned about making big bucks.

Your post, despite it being based on false assumptions, has some very good points I agree with, which btw I pointed out in my posts earlier (the old infrastructure especially).

no i did not assume, and that's why i used a question-mark "?" and the conditional word "if", and that makes you the one who is making false assumptions.
also, i did not quote you specifying any ISP nor did i assume that you did. I was the one who did specify Maroc telecome, and i am still mentioning it and i don't see why did you switch to panic mode. nobody is gonna come after you because you expressed your opinion, ok? so calm down and relax, that era is well gone.

and actually i quoted you saying :
...but part of the problem is that the ToS of MagicJack invades customers' privacy (through abuse of data-mining)...
so you did not only imply that, you made it as a clear statement in plain english.
7 January 2010 22:38
lyoum ra khadmat liya magicjack
7 January 2010 22:52
really foufita hta nti kan 3ndek le meme probleme nhar katkhdem o nhar non?
LOL Samiup!!!
7 January 2010 23:21
no i did not assume, and that's why i used a question-mark "?" and the conditional word "if", and that makes you the one who is making false assumptions.
also, i did not quote you specifying any ISP nor did i assume that you did. I was the one who did specify Maroc telecome, and i am still mentioning it and i don't see why did you switch to panic mode. nobody is gonna come after you because you expressed your opinion, ok? so calm down and relax, that era is well gone.

and actually i quoted you saying :
...but part of the problem is that the ToS of MagicJack invades customers' privacy (through abuse of data-mining)...
so you did not only imply that, you made it as a clear statement in plain english.

1. Your question was a rhetorical one, and thus an utterly false assumption.

2. I did not "switch to panic mod". I was pointing out the very fact that I didn't single out any telecom company. But again you assumed I was afraid of naming the company, while I was actually being ethical.

3. My statement about MJ's ToS still holds as a FACT, it does invade customers' privacy, that is a FACT, read the ToS. I didn't imply that Moroccan telecom companies give a flying squat about the privacy of their customers (they don't), you did assume I was implying so.

4. For argument's sake, read carefully my posts and make sure you get them right, before you start picking up on fragments.

And where the heck is this conversation heading anyways ?

/end of rant.
7 January 2010 23:31
On a side note, for those who keep reporting that MJ is working, it should be working randomly. *technically* the blocking of VoIP solutions is not enforced 24/7, it is only a temporary *fix* to mitigate any down times of other vital services. A lot of work is being carried by ALL the 3 big telecom companies to bring better services in the future and ensure a better user experience.
7 January 2010 23:48
non tifffa ra hadi une semaine hiya makhadamach femarra lyoum 3ad khadmat hadi une semaine hiya no network connection [error9] j'espere tkoun khadmat 3and les autres inchalah .
8 January 2010 11:46
ce matin j'ai rencontré le meme probleme de la semaine derniere magicjack please, wait ... tous le temps je sais pas c'est quoi le probleme exacte aide moi s'il vous plait......
8 January 2010 18:36

1. Your question was a rhetorical one, and thus an utterly false assumption.

2. I did not "switch to panic mod". I was pointing out the very fact that I didn't single out any telecom company. But again you assumed I was afraid of naming the company, while I was actually being ethical.

3. My statement about MJ's ToS still holds as a FACT, it does invade customers' privacy, that is a FACT, read the ToS. I didn't imply that Moroccan telecom companies give a flying squat about the privacy of their customers (they don't), you did assume I was implying so.

4. For argument's sake, read carefully my posts and make sure you get them right, before you start picking up on fragments.

And where the heck is this conversation heading anyways ?

/end of rant.
you are still assuming, guesstimating and obviously drawing false conclusions...
and the same goes for your claim about the MJ ToS, you misread the text, assumed wrongly, jumped to the wrong conclusion and rushed to post your thoughts on a public forum.
i read your posts carefully enough to see that besides unfunded claims and baseless remarks about the subject, there is not much useful information in them. in all your posts you sound like someone who is relentlessly trying to show of with information that he doesn't have about a subject he barely understand.
as other posters pointed out before, if you have something useful for this thread then promptly post it, if not, or in case "you are not allowed to" share the top secret in formation, then simply read more and post less.
8 January 2010 23:00
Believe me he doesn’t have a clue just smocke out of his behind “blocking of VoIP solutions is not enforced 24/7” that’s technically absurd.
FYI people.
20 January 2010 07:50
Ok, I think Majic jack stop working only with IAM internet, and I think people with either meditel/wana 3g internet work just perfect.

anybody could confirm? thanks
23 January 2010 18:22

Yes indeed, Maroc Telecom blocked the ports not only on individual users. with Wana works fine.

of course as somebody mentioned in the comments above, you can use VPN.

That was my solution for my 8 MJ over in Morocco. But I heard that the new MJ will support different ports like Skype does ( where you can use port 80 ).

peace out.
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