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Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation
5 June 2007 15:55
10 June 2007 12:27
where were they all these years now that the yanks raped iraq and knocked it off ?
11 June 2007 17:32
a little bit too late... when you arrived on tanks, embedded with zionist terrorists, from michigan or texas, when blood of innocent people stays on your hands, when you had dared to kill the legal president Saddam Hussein rahimo LLAH, no place for regrets...

they can reject occupation, but they won't let someone take their place. i think their regrets reflect their fright to be executed by our proud moujahidin.
one way to reject occupation = a single ticket for the criminal court
12 June 2007 01:25
another way to reject occupation : join the freedom fighters or in more radical word Mujahideens
20 June 2007 18:05
I'm sick and tired to see these "Mujahideens" getting wasted by the occupation force and the Iraqui forces...
i'm sick and tired of that. they have a very poor training... i'm sorry, but we are in 2007... it's a time for proffessional warriors... there is no room of amateurs...

so i deeply think that violence is not an option when you are a farmer... if you see what i mean...
and then, a lot of "bad people" like criminals and such join the fight too... to make money... and then, you have a poor reputation as a fighter...

and i'm glad to see some coherence between what the people think and what the state think...

great step forward... and damn, there is chances to see the Iraquis get a real government... all they have to do is to kick the US out and to get rid of some useless puppets... and welcome to a high level of freedom (for a Muslim country)...

very interesting...
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