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marriage for a 'visa', how to spot one...
29 November 2006 14:39
marriage for a 'visa', how to spot one...

How likely you may fall in one? in other words, how careful are you?

answer so i can spot the least careful girl here joking!

but seriously i have talked to some girls (friends) before, who would describe to me how much they feel thier boyfriends are genuine and not wanting thier visa!! and they would say, you see? this is why i know he doesnt want only my passport!!!! oh yeah some should really be updated to the latest tricks!!!!!!
29 November 2006 15:35
It's easy to spot one... it depends if your partner has already a visa or not! LOL
29 November 2006 16:27
Easy, don't marry from el blad but if you do, start by saying that you intend to live there, see her/his reaction.
29 November 2006 16:52
hi all,

I don’t like this kind of generalisation…there are people in lblad won’t leave the country no matter the price…. those kind of judgement is really not fair… it’s like the visa becomes the most important think for Moroccans …not true we also have intelligent and dynamic people who are looking for improving the country and to make it attractive to stay in…
30 November 2006 05:06
salam alaykum

if there is any doubt about his/her intention better don t get involved in the relationship ,marriage has to be built from the begining on trustworthiness .
1 December 2006 05:04
tell him that you want a lot of children.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
2 December 2006 23:36
if he's already got a visa ( student or visitor's visa) that's baout to expire and seems to be in a hurry to marry you even if he hasn't known you for that long, he's probably after your documents. if he runs for the hills when you turn down a marriage proposal because you think that it's too early to get married, then you've almost definitely got rid of an opportunist ( especially if you hear that he got married to another girl promptly after breaking up with you). seriously now, if you've got any reason to doubt his sincerity, steer clear.
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