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14 May 2009 12:04
marriage used to be very common in our society (morocco)
but nowadays it has become almost impossible
what are the reasons for this unfortunate change?perplexe
14 May 2009 12:31
people still get married and bread like rabbitssmiling smileyone of the problems in morocco nowadays is the explosion democraphic, pauvrety and a herd of 10 kids

there is a categorie of moroccan society who don t get married :
1_ it s a choice : some people prefer being single , independant specially working women, in their views single is better than getting married to a shovenic man who treat them like a slave
2- a lot t men are unemployed can not afford running a house and having kids
3-most men are looking for a woman who has a job so unemployed women normally they find themselves staying with parents with not much chance to get a husband
4- evolution of mentalities , few years ago forced marriages were very popular , girls aged 14, even 12 were forced to get married to older men , but now it s considered a crime a form of paedophilia
5- marriage is not a priority anymore , education and finding a job are more important .......................
14 May 2009 12:37
thanx for you reply
i agree with you mate
but let s hope it will change in the futuresmiling smiley
16 May 2009 01:04
Well most of the points were covered but i feel that in the past its was automatic for girls to find a husband & PEOPLE WERE HAPPY WITH WHAT THEY HAD ....
Now with the "freedom" & THE GREED ITS VERY HARD for young people to start families as the society has moved forwards to fast & become a very money grabbing & money is everything now + the values or respect & families values are gone as soon as we started watching satelite TV & the mexican movies ...
17 May 2009 12:13
yes there are plenty of mexican series
on 2m
wa bezaf hada houwa listi3marCensored
17 May 2009 20:33
spoken about marriage..

look at this lol

18 May 2009 17:53
ok got it cheerssmiling smiley
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