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milk al yamine = boyfriend and girlfriend
18 May 2009 14:13

part two of this fatwa discussion is on the following link:


apparently living together as boyfriend and girlfriend is allowed halal and thats what it reffered to nowadays partners (boyfriend and girlfriend )= milko al yamine moody smiley

i tried to understand the meaning of wa ma malakate aymanakom , a lot of stories say , muslim can marry 4 wives and it is absolutely halal to have sexual relations with wa malat ayman and long time ago it was normal every muslim is married to 4 and have even 80 other women he sleeps with including kholafa as it s mentioned in the video moody smiley isn t this zina sleeping with women a lot of them and not be married to them ?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2009 02:31 by whatsup.
18 May 2009 16:19
i am not an expert in religion but i do think those fatwa people are messing up people s head everyone is singing his own song , some say halale other say harame until people are confused
in the meantime i advize men to stick to marriage to one woman , even two will be a nightmareptdr
a normal family is composed from father , mother and children not a man and a herd of women it s just not normal environment for kids to grow up in
plus if long time ago people were marrying 4 then have like 100 partners unmarried relationships milk yamine definitely they must had some bad STD they contaminate each other with all sort of *********
my moto: stick to one thats more than enough specially financially and emotionallyWelcome
18 May 2009 16:50

part two of this fatwa discussion is on the following link:


apparently living together as boyfriend and girlfriend is allowed halal and thats what it reffered to nowadays partners (boyfriend and girlfriend )= milko al yamine moody smiley

i tried to understand the meaning of wa ma malakate aymanakom , a lot of stories say , muslim can marry 4 wives and it is absolutely halal to have sexual relations with wa malat ayman and long time ago it was normal every muslim is married to 4 and have even 80 other women he sleeps with including kholafa as it s mentioned in the video moody smiley isn t this zina sleeping with women a lot of them and not be married to them ?

kholafa sleeping with 80 women? grinning smiley Sounds as if these guys had nothing to do. Even if you were jobless and with plenty of time on your hands to kill, it would still be quite a challenge to entertain even 20.. winking smiley
18 May 2009 16:55
kholafa sleeping with 80 women? grinning smiley Sounds as if these guys had nothing to do. Even if you were jobless and with plenty of time on your hands to kill, it would still be quite a challenge to entertain even 20.. winking smiley[/quote]
ptdrthat doctor said it and apparently that was the nomal way of life there is marriage and there is malakt aymanaokome all these women they took at wars , jawaris and their daughters it s all hum hum

they must be worst than rabbits in mid spring to be able to have 4 wives and unlimited numbers malakat aymane eye popping smiley

l9adia fchkel:darouri kant chi factory dyal viagra ptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2009 04:56 by whatsup.
18 May 2009 17:25

part two of this fatwa discussion is on the following link:


apparently living together as boyfriend and girlfriend is allowed halal and thats what it reffered to nowadays partners (boyfriend and girlfriend )= milko al yamine moody smiley

i tried to understand the meaning of wa ma malakate aymanakom , a lot of stories say , muslim can marry 4 wives and it is absolutely halal to have sexual relations with wa malat ayman and long time ago it was normal every muslim is married to 4 and have even 80 other women he sleeps with including kholafa as it s mentioned in the video moody smiley isn t this zina sleeping with women a lot of them and not be married to them ?
such hypocrits, i hate hypocrits.
they interpret the words of Allah according to their right hands..
and to the vegina they starve for.
the sons of Abu Lahab.
For all i know, this imam is an expert in Masturbation since he was 9 yrs old.
Hypocrite mofo starving for an 8 year old vegina..
son of Abu Jahl or Abu Lahab.
18 May 2009 17:48
hi there
well to be honest with you
i cant see why men can have 4 wifesperplexe
and women can t do what they want
so what?men are free but women are their slaves???Heu
18 May 2009 18:50

part two of this fatwa discussion is on the following link:


apparently living together as boyfriend and girlfriend is allowed halal and thats what it reffered to nowadays partners (boyfriend and girlfriend )= milko al yamine moody smiley

i tried to understand the meaning of wa ma malakate aymanakom , a lot of stories say , muslim can marry 4 wives and it is absolutely halal to have sexual relations with wa malat ayman and long time ago it was normal every muslim is married to 4 and have even 80 other women he sleeps with including kholafa as it s mentioned in the video moody smiley isn t this zina sleeping with women a lot of them and not be married to them ?
such hypocrits, i hate hypocrits.
they interpret the words of Allah according to their right hands..
and to the vegina they starve for.
the sons of Abu Lahab.
For all i know, this imam is an expert in Masturbation since he was 9 yrs old.
Hypocrite mofo starving for an 8 year old vegina..
son of Abu Jahl or Abu Lahab.

milko al yamine is mentioned in quran 13 times and explained in hadith so it s not sthg that someone has just invented , i don t think that lifestyle is suitable nowadays is very degrading to women
marrying more than a woman need to be penalized , a strict law against polygamie
al imam malek had milko al yamin
all prophet companions the same , abu horaira had milko al yamine (4 wives) and women he just owns , el bokhari..................etc
the society has evoluted so these sort of things need to be left not all what was accepted then need to be copied nowadayssmiling smiley

free thinker watch your language you can debate in a polite manner , being vulgar is just a weapon of the weak and vulneable not really convincing winking smiley
18 May 2009 20:28
hi there
well to be honest with you
i cant see why men can have 4 wifesperplexe
and women can t do what they want
so what?men are free but women are their slaves???Heu
The thing that you missed is that most women hwo were married to polygamists had what you call sex body.
sometimes slaves, sometimes the best friend of the husband , you never know..
it's the culture of Banu Quoraish, they loved sex and wine.
parcontre, Imazighen n'ont pas droit d'aimer plus d'une femme car ils aiment bcp la guerre.
c'est leur 2eme amour.
18 May 2009 22:38
eye popping smileyeye popping smileythere is no amazigh been mentioned in this topicAre you crazy

l9adia fiha inna wa akhawatoha grinning smiley
19 May 2009 05:19
i am not an expert in religion but i do think those fatwa people are messing up people s head everyone is singing his own song , some say halale other say harame until people are confused
sorry to cut your post short but this is the part that all muslims should be debating today.
Im not an expert either, but if you use Rational Thinking and Reasonable Thinking, Love of god is like Love for all humanity, it's in the heart of the person, and if that person really believes in a creator then the creator is supposed to read what's in his or her heart.
Who cares what an imam thinks or what a rabbi, a priest.. think?
What's important is what does God think and what you think?
If he can read the heart, and you know your heart is clean then why should you care what the others think?
Follow your heart and treat people the way you expect to be treated and don't worry about those imbeciles who think they know god better than you.
They don't know nothing, only you and God know what's inside your heart.
Im giving you an interpretation based on logic and reason, not based on what the others said.
it's all there in your heart, forget the sunna, the shia, the hadith or i don't know what.
He is right up there looking at you and has eyes too and can read what's in your heart..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2009 05:24 by FreeThinker.
19 May 2009 10:22
hi guys
i think that you re going so far with this subjectDanse
just do what you think it s right
and not what you think it s right for you has to be right for others
everyone have got brains to useAre you crazy
19 May 2009 13:44
free thinka dayer khotbat al jomo3a, it s just tuesday todaygrinning smiley
19 May 2009 14:41
wellahilathumbs up
21 May 2009 16:17
No expert either but i see a lot of people using this to shug their way around ....
I hear in Iran you could do a quick marriage & cancel in the morning !
Very perverted way for old men to take advantage of young ,desparate,ill informed youngs ladies ...

The question we need to asl our selves is will you allow an old ..... to have your sister as mamalakat aymanokom ? i know i will never allow it plus i will break his noise just for asking the stupid question ...

" la yakono al momino mominane 7ata yo 7ibo li akhihi ,mayo 7ibo li nafsih"
22 May 2009 06:23
What these imbeciles need to understand is that life does not revolve around Sex, Fatwas, Jihad, janna and Jahanam. There is more to life to just live to one day go to paradise to have 72 virgins or have sex 24/7 with 4 wives or all the little girls your so called right hand can touch, Life is more than that.
They say islam came to take people out of Jahiliya yet they are as Jahil as Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl..
How can you say Islam came to free women when you say at the same time that you can sleep with more than one woman and if you go to paradise you will have 72 virgins?
How about muslim women and girls, how many virgin boys will they have in Janna?
Sex for pleasure aka mut3a, sex with 6 year olds, sex with 4 wives, sex with slaves, sex with concubines, sex in paradise...
what kind of religion that all it talks about is sex?
religion should be talking about good and bad and how you can help the poor and do the right thing while avoiding the bad stuff, religion is not supposed to revolve around sex cause one woman that you love is enough til the day you both die, it's about love not sex, about raising a family.
when you become a teenager, you need to find love and practice, it's part of growing up to become a man or a woman, but when you do that stuff as an adult or accept it as way of of life, you are no more than a dog or a hypocrit looking to get laid and using religion as an excuse.
If you believe in rational thinking, it doesn't get any more rational than this.
There is Right and there is wrong, End of story.
8 June 2009 11:39
yes i do agree with you matethumbs up
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