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missing link is found
20 May 2009 16:44
20 May 2009 17:24
hi there
befor i open the link what is it about exactly?Heu
20 May 2009 17:54
lmohim chnou ana fhemt , galik alala l9aw wahed fossil of creature which proves darwin theory which says that the origin of humans r apes , the fossil which dated 47 millions years shows the changing from the ape to human form before they had all the chain of changes except this one so this fossil is the missing link a lot of scientists been looking for to prove that our ancestors were monkeysxptdr
it s a tangible proof that darwin was right and this causes a lot of conflict btw scinece and religion
churchs and mosques say god created human
darwin says : human was originally an ape but evolved and this fossil complete the map or the evolution tree which prove that darwin was right

anyway l9adia fchkel in religion tatgoul haja whad scientists taygoulou haja dufferent with proofs drouna frasna Ill

we just want peace humans or monkeys it does not matterCool

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2009 05:56 by whatsup.
20 May 2009 18:21
i ve heard something like that
but as you said who cares
humans or monkeys
we re all living in one world wich will end sometime anywayHeu
20 May 2009 18:23
by the way did you read my jocke?
20 May 2009 19:05
yes , and i understood itgrinning smiley
21 May 2009 05:11
If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how were the other ones created?
21 May 2009 11:11
If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how were the other ones created?

well thats the dialema
from a religious point of view adam and eve are the first humans and eve created from the rib of adam....etc

from a scientist point of view thats not true and this is why since Charles darwin evolution theory was published there is a conflict even there are stories that the church was encouraging it s followers to kill Darwin saying: Darwin is killing god.
21 May 2009 23:00
If Adam and Eve were the first humans, how were the other ones created?

well thats the dialema
from a religious point of view adam and eve are the first humans and eve created from the rib of adam....etc

from a scientist point of view thats not true and this is why since Charles darwin evolution theory was published there is a conflict even there are stories that the church was encouraging it s followers to kill Darwin saying: Darwin is killing god.

Whatsup, thanks for your response. I know the difference between right and wrong ;-)
What I was wondering about was more about the logistics. Eve was created from Adam's rib. Ok they got together and had a family and all, and then what? Where do other people come from?

22 May 2009 11:03
ok , i am not a scientist , but my understanding is
religion: adam first, then eve was created from his rib , then they had children (thye story of 9abil and habil) one of them had to kill the other for their sister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, then their children married each other , gave birth to more and so on ...i am not sure about the chinese though they look differentptdrso human they had to marry their sisters to give birth to more Heu...........etc
)sound disgusting to marry a sister but thats what religion say

science and Darwin : say No
first, it was some type of animals each animal started to evolute according to nature and the extreme weather million years ago some animals started to grow long legs , some grow wings ......and this is how we end up with different types of animals and now with this dicovery they completed that theory they have fossils which prove changes from animal until ending up with human then human gave birth to more human and so on until nowadays moody smiley humans come in all sort of colours (yellow, black , red , white) and shapes tall , shorts ...............depends on diet and climates ........................

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2009 11:08 by whatsup.
11 June 2009 08:55
well mates all you have to do is to read the coran carefully
and you ll understand everythingsmiling smiley
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