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Modest Clothing and Society evolving
10 April 2021 14:13

Watching this video i just though ...its crazy how people's mind is constantly changing.

A few years ago, not that far, an old man with a beard was perceived as nice and kind and with a huge heart.
And a lady with a scarf arround her face, as a gentle an devout lady.

Nowadays people's mindset is so different.
The man with a beard is presumed "terrorist" and the lady with a scarf on is bullied by society.

Modesty is criticized. The only bearded man still beloved is santa claus..

And i was watching this mufti, this guy, looking and talking so nice.
How can someone think that his a terrorist by just looking at him ?

When "occiddental" and "progressive" society decide that something is bad, then the whole world has to submit.

Is that evolution ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2021 02:13 by ☀️.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 14:42

Catastrophène .. Ho !
10 April 2021 14:54
Salam 3alaykom

The prophet said there will be girls who looks like camels hump

So we are just in the begining of that sad smiley
10 April 2021 14:56
it’s the reign of depravity and nudity. Don’t be shocked !

Not only in european country but everywhere in the word, even in « muslim »country. Go to dubai LOL

May Allah protect us and our children
10 April 2021 14:59
Wa selem

Im not talkin about dine right here. Im talkin about society sickness.

Salam 3alaykom

The prophet said there will be girls who looks like camels hump

So we are just in the begining of that sad smiley
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 15:01

But as i said to mohamed, im not talkin about how we should dress in islam or whatever.

I'm trying to understand how a mindset can change so fast from a point A to point Z, and blame the people who don t wan t to chang their mindset.

Why don't just let people get dressed how they want ?

Why everybody has to dress the same way, act the same way do the same things ?

I don t get it.

it’s the reign of depravity and nudity. Don’t be shocked !

Not only in european country but everywhere in the word, even in « muslim »country. Go to dubai LOL

May Allah protect us and our children
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 15:04
yes and this word means that we will be in the decadent society you mention

Just like this prophetic word speaking of women dressed but naked and this is exactly your reference

But forgive me if you think I'm off topic Welcome
Wa selem

Im not talkin about dine right here. Im talkin about society sickness.
10 April 2021 15:12
I think we can t talk about dine here, cuz we live in a non muslim country.
So the only way you can "fight" them is using non religious arguments.

For example they extol equality, and justice, but they act a totally different way ..
yes and this word means that we will be in the decadent society you mention

Just like this prophetic word speaking of women dressed but naked and this is exactly your reference

But forgive me if you think I'm off topic Welcome
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 15:16
T’es I see what you mean so for example an argument could be this:

There is inequality in relation to what they want to dictate from society because they make laws for these naked people and against these people just wanting not to show their body

I think we can t talk about dine here, cuz we live in a non muslim country.
So the only way you can "fight" them is using non religious arguments.

For example they extol equality, and justice, but they act a totally different way ..
10 April 2021 15:25
Heu dnlz xjkmznz ?
ptdr hein zifbzlrviqnze fjzaopab elle fait !smoking smiley
Les gens peuvent oublier mille bonne actions à cause d'une seule erreur, Allah peut pardonner mille erreurs à cause d'une seule bonne action.
10 April 2021 15:30
????? t’es là best choupinette !!?
Harissa girl
Heu dnlz xjkmznz ?
ptdr hein zifbzlrviqnze fjzaopab elle fait !smoking smiley
10 April 2021 15:33
?????? thanks!

Ps: l'élection flkevru le bel! Allez kfobemzb !confused smiley
????? t’es là best choupinette !!?
Les gens peuvent oublier mille bonne actions à cause d'une seule erreur, Allah peut pardonner mille erreurs à cause d'une seule bonne action.
10 April 2021 15:34
Breaking with their past doesnt mean we all should do the same.

A lot a french women think because of their story, ya3ni they fighted for beeing free to shoose what they want to wear, they have the right to tell other women how to dress

That s not even logic
T’es I see what you mean so for example an argument could be this:

There is inequality in relation to what they want to dictate from society because they make laws for these naked people and against these people just wanting not to show their body

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2021 03:34 by ☀️.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 15:46
If these women fought for their right to dress as they want, then women dressing modestly must also fight in turn to have this right to love modesty

Breaking with their past doesnt mean we all should do the same.

A lot a french women think because of their story, ya3ni they fighted for beeing free to shoose what they want to wear, they have the right to tell other women how to dress

That s not even logic
10 April 2021 15:49
Why fight for something thats not their business ?

Who are they to tell us how we need to dress ?

Do you realise how pathetic it is ?

If these women fought for their right to dress as they want, then women dressing modestly must also fight in turn to have this right to love modesty

J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 15:51
« The only bearded man still beloved is santa claus.. »

Mdrr Et encore sur yabi pour Noël on a le droit à des débats enflammés.
10 April 2021 15:57
I agree but they don’t give a damn that the desire of women to be modest is unequal

So you have to fight for your rights Grrrr
Why fight for something thats not their business ?

Who are they to tell us how we need to dress ?

Do you realise how pathetic it is ?

10 April 2021 15:58
Haha yeah.. cuz muslims prefer fight together than fight against the curtailments of our human rights.

Find the mistake smoking smiley
« The only bearded man still beloved is santa claus.. »

Mdrr Et encore sur yabi pour Noël on a le droit à des débats enflammés.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 16:01
Why are they calling themselves "feminist" when all they are trying to do is "putifier" (???) all women.

I don t want them to talk for me.
I agree but they don’t give a damn that the desire of women to be modest is unequal

So you have to fight for your rights Grrrr
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 16:08
when I talk to you about fighting for your rights to be modest I will be the first to be at the front and they can say that there is feminism? in any case these feminists will not be welcome on the front ptdr
Why are they calling themselves "feminist" when all they are trying to do is "putifier" (???) all women.

I don t want them to talk for me.
10 April 2021 16:15
bullsht ptdr

never saw a muslim guy defending a muslim girl lol

fearful ^^
when I talk to you about fighting for your rights to be modest I will be the first to be at the front and they can say that there is feminism? in any case these feminists will not be welcome on the front ptdr
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 16:35
I will defend you: may God give you the rights to be a fulfilled Muslim

and yes it starts with invocations Clap
bullsht ptdr

never saw a muslim guy defending a muslim girl lol

fearful ^^
10 April 2021 16:37
annw so sweet, but dont need ya ptdr

braver than most of you guys Cool
I will defend you: may God give you the rights to be a fulfilled Muslim

and yes it starts with invocations Clap
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 17:49
I stopped reading to SO SWEET

And I know this is the right thing to do winking smiley
annw so sweet, but dont need ya ptdr

braver than most of you guys Cool
10 April 2021 19:29
Sweet chili sauce ptdr
I stopped reading to SO SWEET

And I know this is the right thing to do winking smiley
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 19:53
I'm sure we have to remove the chili sauce and just keep the sweet winking smiley
Sweet chili sauce ptdr
10 April 2021 19:56
Sour sauce ???
I'm sure we have to remove the chili sauce and just keep the sweet winking smiley
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
10 April 2021 21:10

Yes sweet sour sauce grinning smiley
Sour sauce ???
29 April 2021 19:45
I was asking myself the same question, I mean in the past, Islamic clothing were perceived as modest and people showed respect for example to a hijabi woman but now wearing scarf feels like an unusual act that people judge as if we are deprived from our rights to wear what we want.
What I’m really sad about is how we get those judgments in muslim countries from “Muslim” people.
29 April 2021 19:58
yeah that's true, i remember my own story, when i decided to start wearing the hijab, and my mom was like "why are you doing this, you still young, maybe it will be better if you wait until you get married"... okey mom, but we re not the same just let me act like i want to and support me

from on side you have the non muslim people acting weird, like if a hijabi were forced to dress like she does, and trying the best they can to "free" them
and on the other side you have the muslim ones, wether its not enough or wether its too much

dang.. they are not making it easy, but the reward of Allah will only increase.

the harder a test is, the bigger the reward will be ^^

in sha ALLAH
I was asking myself the same question, I mean in the past, Islamic clothing were perceived as modest and people showed respect for example to a hijabi woman but now wearing scarf feels like an unusual act that people judge as if we are deprived from our rights to wear what we want.
What I’m really sad about is how we get those judgments in muslim countries from “Muslim” people.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
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