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More than 308,000 Moroccan expatriates back home for summer holidays by end June
5 July 2006 18:45
Rabat, July 5 - Some 308,208 Moroccans living abroad (French acronym: MRE) have travelled back to Morocco in the period June 15 through 29 for summer holidays, since the beginning of the Operation Transit 2006, said on Tuesday Minister in charge of MRE, Nouzha Chekrouni.

This figure is due to go up in comparison with last year'’s, the minister told a question time at the house of advisors.

She said her department is coordinating with the Spanish authorities, within the framework of the Moroccan-Spanish joint commission, to smooth the transit.

The minister recalled, in this respect, the launch of the "Marhaba 2006" operation, which translates as "welcome 2006." The operation is carried out under the supervision of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity under the banner "Wherever we are, Morocco lives in us."

The minister also highlighted the role of the Hassan II Foundation for the Moroccan Expatriates, saying it is following the situation of these nationals and “endeavouring to solve their problems.”

The Spanish authorities have earlier said they expect some 2.7 million Moroccans living in Europe, and about 700,000 cars to cross the Gibraltar strait back to Morocco for the summer holidays.

On a related issue, the remittances of MRE in the first quarter of 2006 upped 13.8% in comparison to Q1 of 2005, according to figures released by the Office des Changes.
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