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Moroccan CNSS and US Social Security Administration
4 August 2009 00:59
Assalamo Alaikum

If Moroccan worked and paid contributions to CNSS (Caisse National de Security Social), he or she get a points (credits). And if he immigrated and worked in France and paid contributions to La Securite Sociale Francaise, he gets points. And he could accumulate the point from both countries for retirement or disability (IPP: Incapacity physique permanente ou IPT: Incapacite physique temporaire) or for others benefits. He doesn’t lose what he paid from his salary and what paid his employer(s) to the social security organizations from either employment place. The same thing happens if French worked in France and came to work in Morocco.
This is because Morocco and France signed a convention in 60’s.
Morocco may have this convention with others countries too.
USA does have this convention with 14 countries, but Morocco is not included.
When Moroccan or American works for a number of years in either country his lose his contributions from one country. Because Moroccan CNSS and US Social Security Administration didn’t make this convention and by that don’t calculate points (credits) made in other country, to get socials benefits.
I think that this is not a political issue, this is a administrative issue.
I ask Allah that both Moroccans and Americans responsible take care of this concern.

Assalamo Alaikum
4 August 2009 10:10
well , with all economy crisis nothing is guaranteed for retirement
personnality i prefer investing my savings in an ISA which is a tax free saving account and a person is entitled to have many ISA s each tax year which means you don t put all your life savings in one pot smiling smiley
4 August 2009 21:29
Everyone who work in Morocco or in US need to contribute to CNSS or to Social Security Administration or to both in some cases. Even if he or she invest. Except if he is working under cover.
5 August 2009 18:38
Assalamo Alaikum

Everyone who work in United States and contribute to social security administration and earn at least $1,080.00 a month, get 4 credits (points) every year.
Full retirement age is 62 years old, and 40 credits.
You need 23 credits for disability.
To receive payment in Morocco you need to have 40 credit or lived in States for 10 years or more.
Now if you don’t have enough credit with social security and you have a number of points in CNSS. You cannot combine both to be eligible for payments, because the kingdom of Morocco and United States of America didn’t establish a (Agreement de totalisation) yet.
So you lose contributions and benefits from both social systems, and it’s like you never worked, you could not work anymore and you don’t have an income from your previous work experiences.
[Who worked in France and Morocco could combine both].
If you receive payment in Morocco you will be paid from American Embassy in Rabat. A senior citizen or disabled will not like to travel every month to Rabat.
With (agreement de totalisation) American Embassy in Rabat will make you a direct deposit to any Bank account or financial institution in Morocco.
Two others advantages of Moroccan French (agreement de totalisation):
If a Moroccan employer sends you to work in France or If a French employer send you to work in Morocco:
- You don’t have to pay the social charges for both social systems.
- You don’t have to pay taxes twice for both countries.

Assalamo Alaikum
6 August 2009 17:32
6 August 2009 18:00
What do you mean?
7 August 2009 16:35
are u talking to meHeu
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