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Moroccan couple admits enslaving young niece. Lovely piece
6 October 2006 12:02
Moroccan couple admits enslaving young niece
Agencies 9/8/2006 | 12:12 am

A Moroccan couple pleaded guilty to federal charges that they forced their immigrant niece brought from Morocco to work long hours without pay in their home and at an espresso stand they own.

The girl, Lamia Ennassime, went to America in Sept. 2001, at the age of 12, to stay with her aunt and uncle. She was expected to look after their son and help with the housework in exchange for lodging and a chance for a good education.

Prosecutors said that after the expiration of her six-month visa, her uncle threatened to report her to immigration authorities if she did not work longer and harder, which pushed her to run away on July 9, 2005.

Her uncle Abdenasser "Sammy" Ennassime, 47, and his wife, Tonya, 41, are expected to serve a sentence of six months' home confinement, three years of probation and more than USD 65,000 in back wages to their niece. Sentencing is set for Dec. 1..
6 October 2006 12:21
Good for Lamia ! At least she's lucky, she's now going to have a shot at a life, which is more than what happens to most girls leaving that hell back home. I hope there are moroccan-american associations that can help that poor girl to start over.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2006 06:12 by chelhman.
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